Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

yomson. fr 
) the photogrammetric data 
ability delay. Since digital 
semi-automatic tools in the 
he road network automatic 
interpretation of the image 
is, this paper concerns the 
efficiency of such kind of 
1s in a production context. 
cernant l'automatisation de 
sponibilité des données sur 
raînes de production, il est 
onnels de saisie. L'un des 
availlons parallélement sur 
sur des approches semi- 
sente différentes solutions 
ugmenter l’efficacité de ce 
solutions dans un contexte 
acquired in the production 
platform which has been 
is developed by SYSECA. 
l-accuracy softcopy image 
rates a comprehensive 
1g package with an object- 
eo-referenced objects. 
h laboratory of IGN which 
topographic database data 
t advanced project in our 
. automatic extraction. We 
ry ambitious approaches, 
tation of the image and on 
or a short term efficiency. 
| been presented in the 
made objects from aerial 
n to work both accurately 
1ages and objects (Hsieh, 
roblem of the automatic 
rpretation and Remote 
mages pour la Stéréo- 
nna 1996 
interpretation of aerial images, many authors present the semi- 
automatic approaches as the only ones able to bring a significant 
contribution in a production context in the years to come 
(Heipke, 1994 ; Gruen, 1995). 
We proposed (Airault, 1994a ; Airault, 1994b). and evaluated 
(Airault, 1995) a  semi-automatic solution in former 
publications. The evaluations we performed have shown that it 
seems to be possible to save time with our semi-automatic 
solution if the road following algorithm is used in a good way : 
only when the road in the image corresponds well to the road 
model used in the algorithm. The efficiency of the semi- 
automatic technique will much more depend on its reliability 
(predictable behavior, low sensitivity to small changes in the 
parameters, preference to no result than to a wrong one...) than 
on its exhaustiveness (Jamet, 1995b). Nevertheless, even if the 
results of our evaluations were very optimistic according to the 
automatic extraction geometric quality, these results were rather 
modest according to the efficiency in terms of productivity 
enhancement (from 10% to 40% of saved time according to the 
landscape characteristics). Independently of the robustness and 
of the efficiency of the detection algorithm itself, a semi- 
automatic work session takes time from the user, at least the 
time taken by all the moves into the image and the time taken by 
the user's decisions. 
1.3. How to increase the automation level ? 
To enhance significantly the productivity, we have to increase 
the automation level. 
One solution consists in keeping a semi-automatic approach but 
which would be initialized by a pre-computed incomplete road 
network graph (Figure 1) : 
e fully-automatic extraction of a little part of the network. 
e interactive completion using a road following algorithm. 
| fully-automatic initialization | 
road network graph 
| semi-automatic completion | 
ri ess | ES E s -: i Semi-automatic : 
control : : corrections road following 
te cueene ee uere cac 00000000 4 
completed road network graph 
Figure 1 : semi-automatic completion of a pre-computed graph. 
If fully-automatic systems are not ready to extract the whole 
road network with a good reliability, it seems to be possible 
from now to extract automatically the "easiest" ones with a very 
low error rate, applying very hard constraints. A so extracted 
part of the road network can then be presented to the user for a 
visual control and a semi-automatic completion. 
The semi-automatic approach we propose relies on several 
algorithms used sequentially on the same platform. 
The main originality of the approach is to separate the detection 
step and the geometric adjustment step (Airault, 1994a). The 
complete processing can be divided in five distinct (and 
successive) steps (Figure 2) : 
col prima (t) 
rw road detection 
pt. ima (t1) 
| parallel edges extraction | 
pt_ima (t+1) 
| geometric adjustment | 
pt_ima (t+1) 
| parallax estimation | 
pt_map y pt_ima (t+1) 
: J 
| cartographic projection | 
Figure 2 : Modular decomposition of the semi-automatic 
road following algorithm. 
The data structure pt ima corresponds to the points 
characteristics in the image. It contains, in addition to the 
location in the image, the disparity (or parallax) value and the 
measured road width. The data structure pt map corresponds to 
the cartographic coordinates of the road points. 
2.1. The detection step 
The detection step corresponds to the identification of the image 
area as a road object. This step is based on the local 
optimization. of a cost function The used cost function takes 
mainly into account the local homogeneity and the anisotropic 
aspect of the homogeneity of roads. It takes as input one point 
and one direction which can be given by the user (as an 
initialization) or which can be the previous result of this iterative 
processing. It gives as output the new possible location on the 
road and several indicators which allow to decide if the plotting 
is still on the road. 
2.2. The geometric adjustment step 
The geometric adjustment step is based on a local detection of 
parallel edges along the road. The whole step is designed to 
compute a precise location of the road axis, using both the 
detected edges and an a priori geometric model of roads (as 
cubic splines). The road edges are extracted as often as possible 
(they do not always clearly appear in the image) and the road 
model is used to interpolate the road position between these well 
positioned points. 
2.3. Computation of the 3-D geometry 
The previous steps are using only one image to detect the road. 
The goal of the next ones is to compute the 3-D coordinates of 
the road, trying to match the detected road with the 
corresponding object in the other image of the stereo pair and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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