Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

tie point extraction process). A high level of automation can be 
In the system at FGI the tie point areas are determined in two 
steps. First the overlap areas are coarsely defined by using 
approximate coordinates of the perspective centres. The 
coordinates of the tie point areas are usually not accurate 
enough for tie point extraction, because the approximations may 
be rough and there are normally variations in the elevations of 
the terrain. The coordinates are therefore refined by image 
matching. In the refinement, cross correlation with a special 
matching strategy on low resolution images is used. Possible 
gross errors are detected in the block adjustment and additional 
observations are carried out interactively. The approach has 
been proven to work well, for instance in the OEEPE test block 
Forssa, only 2.2 % of the automatically measured observations 
were erroneous, see (Honkavaara and Hggholen 1995). 
2.1.2 Corresponding point definition 
The tie points are measured in tie point areas using image 
matching. There are different matching methods available, from 
techniques using local image information, like least squares 
matching (LSM) and feature based matching (FBM), to global 
techniques, see overview in (Forstner 1995). 
At FGI, the approach selected for tie point extraction is based 
on the one developed by Tsingas, see (Tsingas 1992, 1994). The 
tie points are first extracted using multiple image FBM. Because 
of the rather low accuracy of FBM, the extracted coordinates 
are refined by LSM. The Tsingas’ method is further refined to 
achieve higher speed and good success rate with multiple 
matches, see (Honkavaara and Hggholen 1995). In order to get 
good enough approximate values for the matching process a 
multiresolution image pyramid with 3 layers (scales 1:16, 1:4 
and 1:1) is used. 
2.1.3 Block adjustment and point selection 
The block adjustment can be seen as an important part of the tie 
point measurement process. In the block adjustment, in addition 
to solving the unknowns of the mathematical model, also the 
possible gross errors are detected. 
Automating the block adjustment when using interactive 
measurements is treated in (Sarjakoski 1988). Automatic tie 
point measurement gives new features to the block adjustment 
1. there are considerably more observations, 
2. the quality of the observations is unknown and 
3. there are more gross errors. 
It is important to investigate if the techniques developed for 
interactive measurement are sufficient when using automatically 
measured observations. The experience gained so far from block 
adjustments with automatic tie point observations is that in 
some cases the use of additional parameters have negative 
influence on the accuracy of the block, see (Honkavaara and 
Hggholen 1995). Additional parameters are sensitive to 
inaccurate observations and poor distribution of the tie points. 
Tests have shown that correct weighting is critical as is the type 
of additional paranieters to be used. 
In the system at FGI the whole block is processed in a single 
block adjustment using a separate adjustment program. The 
adjustment procedure does not differ from the one used with 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
interactive measurements. Block adjustment will be 
implemented as a part of the tie point extraction program. This 
means that block adjustment will be performed also on sub 
blocks, which makes the quality control easier. 
More observations are measured than needed in the tie point 
extraction process. Consequently, an important task after the 
block adjustment is to select a sufficient number of relevant 
observations. At the moment the selection process relies on 
heuristic ideas. The criteria in the selection are: 1) importance 
(number of observed images with insufficient number of 
observations), 2) completeness (maximising the number of 
observed images), 3) distance from other selected points (good 
distribution) and 4) distinctness (a minimum requirement is that 
the LSM windows do not cover each other). 
2.1.4 Quality control 
In the traditional interactive aerial triangulation process, the 
operator ensures that there exists a sufficient number of good 
observations. The final quality control is performed in the block 
In the automatic measurement process, in addition to checking 
the statistics, also the adequacy of the observations in each tie 
point area have to be checked, i. e.: 
1. The number of observations in each image is sufficient. Tt 
has to be checked, that there are enough observations in 
each of the overlapping images. 
2. The completeness of the observations is sufficient. It is not 
enough to check only the number of observations in each of 
the images. As mentioned in Section 2.1.1, to achieve 
stability in the block, also matches on multiple images are 
3. The distribution of the observations is sufficient. The tie 
point observations should have proper distribution. 
Sufficiency, completeness and distribution of the tie point 
observations are under investigation at FGI. They are discussed 
in Section 2.2 and empirical results are presented in Section 3.2. 
2.1.5 Processing of the unsuccessful tie point areas 
The tie point areas which failed in the quality control have to be 
treated. In general, the matching may fail because of difficult 
objects (difficult 3D-object, monotone object, water, forest, 
obstacle etc.) or poor imagery (radiometric differences etc.). 
The matching method affects the rate of failures. 
Different actions can be carried out in the failed areas, 
depending on the reason for failure: 
l. Regard the failure as non-influent. The failure does not 
deteriorate the accuracy. 
2. Search for better location for matching. Regardless of 
failed matches in certain locations, there exists good areas 
for matching for the given image combination in the overlap 
3. Search for optimal image combinations. There exist no 
match for the given combination of images in the overlap 
area, but there exist matches for some other combinations. 
4. Stop matching with impossible images. Matching will not 
succeed in the overlap area in some, or in the worst case in 
all of the images. 
5. Select another matching method. Matching may succeed 
using another method, for instance, by interactive 
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