Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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A combined block adjustment was made with all photos 
(sidelap p=60%) and 8 control points (2 in every block 
corner - see figure 5) and also with a reduced set of 70 
photos with a sidelap of 20%. 
omis [p=60% |= iin 
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Figure 8: results of the bundle block adjustment 
A: without GPS 
B: combined adjustment old method 
C: combined adjustment new approach 
Figure 8 shows the results of the bundle block 
adjustments of the block Oesingen with the program 
system BLUH at independent check points. On the left 
hand side are the results of the adjustment with all 140 
photos and a sidelap of 6096. The stable block 
configuration do not show an advantage of the new 
method of combined block adjustment, the results of the 
traditional method is in X and Y with x 3.5cm nearly the 
same like with the new method of +3.6cm. In the height 
the old method shows +8.1cm and the new method 
The results of the block adjustment with only 70 photos 
and a sidelap of 20% can be seen on the right hand side. 
The horizontal accuracy is approximately the same for 
both methods, but this has been expected in advance - in 
general in the block adjustment the horizontal geometry 
is stable also without GPS and without additional vertical 
control points. The vertical component is different. À 
block with just 20% sidelap and no crossing flight strips 
is not stable in the height. Also the traditional method of 
combined block adjustment will not solve the problem 
because every flight strip is shifted individually, but here 
the advantage of the new approach can be seen - with 
the old method a vertical accuracy of only SZ=+16.5cm 
is reached, by the new method the vertical component is 
improved to SZ=+10.8cm. 
Beside the general additional parameters for the self 
calibration one unknown for every satellite has been 
introduced. In addition unknowns for the datum shift (3 
components) and for the determination of errors of the 
antenna offset are required. If all used strips have been 
flown in the same direction, it is not possible to indroduce 
unknowns for the datum shift and for the antenna offset. 
The general approach of shift and drift parameters uses 
independent GPS positions for each strip. The new 
approach using satellite geometry considers also the 
geometric relationship between strips. It is possible to 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
estimate one set of additional parameters for the 
complete block obeying strictly the functional GPS 
model. Additionally, no special investigations on satellite 
geometry changes during a strip are required for the GPS 
An additional problem is the distance dependence of 
precise GPS. Over large distances the block adjustment 
can constrain the ambiguity resolution. Detailed 
investigations on this topic are necessary. 
The number of additional parameters is generally 
reduced, if not during every curve flight all satellite 
signals are lost. 
For a number of applications in photogrammetry, which 
primarily depend on the scale, only GPS positions 
accurate to some decimeter or less are sufficient. For 
high precise demands, the correct ambiguity resolution is 
required to compute GPS positions at the 5 cm level. 
A new approach of combined block adjustment has been 
presented, which uses strictly the functional GPS model 
to estimate remaining systematic errors in the GPS 
positions caused by false ambiguity resolution. 
Even the re-substitution of the improved ambiguity terms 
is feasible, however, it is not of much interest as the GPS 
processing techniques improve. 
The first test of a block with a limited size always shows 
the advantage of the new method. Crossing flight strips 
can be avoided even in blocks with just 4 control points 
and 209^ sidelap. 
Jacobsen, K., 1993. Experiences in GPS Photo- 
grammetry, PE&RS, Vol. 59, No. 11, pp1651-1658. 
Jacobsen, K., Block Adjustment with Precise Differential 
GPS-Data. ISPRS Commission lll, Working Group 1, 
Munich 1994 
Jacobsen, K, 1996. Operational Use of Combined 
Bundle Block Adjustment with GPS-Data of the 
Projection Centers Combined, ASPRS/ACSM Annual 
Convention, 1996, Baltimore 
OEEPE, 1994. Empirical Results of GPS-Supported 
Block Triangulation. European Organization for 
Experimental Photogrammetric Research, Official 
Publication, No. 29. 
Schmitz, M., 1995. Integrated GPS-Aerial Triangulation 
Orientation. Presented at the Workshop Integrated 
Sensor Orientation, 1995, Barcelona, Spain. 
Seeber, G., 1993. Satellite Geodesy. Foundations, 
Methods, and Applications. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 
New York. 
Seeber, G., V. Bóder, H.-J. Goldan, M. Schmitz, G. 
Wübbena, 1995. Precise DGPS Positioning in Marine 
and Airborne Applications. IAG Symposium G1, IUGG 
General Assembly, July 1995, Boulder, USA. 
The cooperative research of the Institut fur Erdmessung 
(IE) and the Institut fur Photogrammetrie und 
Ingenieurvermessung (IPI) is supported by the Deutsche 
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). 

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