The author wish to thank the Iowa Highway Research Board for
supporting this research project.
Thanks also go to Rick Hoffman and others from Surdex Inc. for
obtaining the aerial photographs . Mr. Bill Curtrell of Ashtech Inc.
obtained airborne GPS data for the Projects. Dr Vogel of the
Department of Aero Space Engineering and his students for
assistance in analyzing the aircraft wing motions. We thank them
all for their support.
Finally, the author wish to thank the staff of the Civil and
Construction Engineering Department; staff of the Engineering
Research Institute, and to Iowa State University for their assistance
in getting this project completed on time.
Figure 1. Multiantenna locations.
1. Ashtech Inc. Prism II Advanced Software Modules, Sunnyvale,
California, September, 1994. A ;
2. Jeyapalan, k., Photogrammetry, Encyclopedia of the Earth 2
Science, volume 3, Academic Press Inc., 1992. 3
3. Jeyapalan, K., et al., Use of GPS for Photogrammetry, Iowa State ;
University, Ames, Iowa, 1992. | Std, m
4. Jeyapalan, k., et al., Airborne GPS, Iowa State University, Ames, P3 + X Seen
Iowa, 1995. | 4
5. Lapine, L.A., NOAA Tests Kinematic GPS, ACSM Bulletin 12- Si 3
14, August, 1990. Tn --Ppld----—EPe- Taie ES > 6
6. Merchant, Dean C, Airborne GPS-Photogrammetry for 7
Transportation Systems, ACSM-ASPRS, Annual Convention, Reno, x x Std. ID
Nevada, 1994. | Std. er
7. Thompson, E.H., Introduction to the Algebra of Matrices with |
some applications, The University of Toronto Press, 1969. ) s
Std. m
Std. ei
Left Wing
B Antenna
Figure 3. Alrciait wiui 12ui aitennas.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996