Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

sed laser 
ulses are 
je veget- 
er to the 
e terrain 
r scanner 
ocess the 
of meas- 
sensor at 
e ground 
y the ab- 
of meas- 
(INS) or 
ral GPS 
in be ob- 
le sensor 
ristics of 
ning and 
) provide 
nt. The 
) 10 Hz), 
(1000 Hz 
f the air- 
meters is 
rally rel- 
d with a 
nation of 
D meas- 
red data 
inates of 
vided by 
'efore the 
and laser 
and atti- 
be trans- 
formed into the ground coordinate system.Using the ori- 
entation parameters (Xo, Yo, Zo, w,«, &) and the measured 
range Sr, the 3D coordinates (Xr,YrL,Zr) of a specific 
laser footprint are computed by 
XL Xo 0 
Yn =| % | +Rlv,p,r) 0 
ZL Zo Sr 
3.2 Calibration of the laser sensor system 
To cover larger areas, several overlapping strips have to be 
measured similar to an aerial image flight. Due to uncor- 
rected systematic errors of the single sensors, especially of 
the GPS and INS sensors used to provide position and ori- 
entation of the laser scanner on the installation angles of the 
laser sensor, the single overlapping strips do not fit to each 
other exactly. Therefore a calibration of the laser sensor 
system is necessary. The aim of the calibration procedure 
is to determine additional transformation parameters (cal- 
ibration parameters) for the transformation of the single 
strips to a homogeneous exterior coordinate system. 
The overlapping areas of the single strips can be used to 
perform the calibration task. Therefore a two step method 
is applied: in a first step tie- and control point information 
is determined and in a second step this information is used 
to connect the single strips to each other and transform the 
block to an exterior coordinate system. Figure 2 shows the 
principle of the procedure. 
qe RS 
Eu P em "o —m 
ug n uw NL S | 
WW Wo Wer 
strip 2 
s em 
| | control-DEM E tie-DEM —> estimated translations 
Figure 2: Tie and control points for DEM matching 
Determination of tie- and control point information 
Due to uncorrected systematic errors two neighboring laser 
strips do not fit together exactly or the single strips do not 
fit to the exterior coordinate system, i.e. the single strips 
do not refer to the same (exterior) coordinate system. The 
aim of the calibration procedure is to determine transform- 
ation parameters for each strip to allow the transformation 
of each measured laser point to an exterior coordinate sys- 
In the first step of the calibration procedure tie- and con- 
trol point information is determined. Therefore a match- 
ing process is applied to estimate translation parameters 
between corresponding areas of two different digital el- 
evation models. The translation parameters between two 
identical windows of different laser strips are used as tie 
point information, the translations between windows of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
laser strips with external information, covering the cor- 
responding area, are used as control point information. 
To provide external information for the position control, 
e.g. ground plans of buildings can be used by measuring 
corners of buildings in the ground plans and the corres- 
ponding corner coordinates in the laser data. Points in flat 
areas, e.g. street crossings, can be used for height control. 
The matching of laser data with external digital elevation 
models is another possibility to provide control point in- 
For each pair of windows in the overlapping areas three 
translation parameters d.X , dY , dZ are determined. There- 
fore an algorithm, originally developed for intensity based 
image matching [Haralick & Shapiro 1993] was adapted for 
matching height data. The original algorithm, using in- 
tensity images (grey values in matrix form) was modified 
to handle irregular distributed height data. The matching 
process is a three step procedure, determining approximate 
values of the unknowns in a first step, translations in .X 
and Y between two corresponding windows in the second 
step and the height offset (Z translation) in the last step. 
In the second step occlusions resulting from the different 
view points of the scanner are eliminated to get a better 
matching result. The height offsets are exclusively estim- 
ated in flat areas. Even though a affine transformation (7 
unknowns) is assumed for the matching process, only the 
3 translation parameters were used for the second step of 
the calibration process. 
Figure 3 shows the results of a matching process for the 
overlapping area of two different strips. The data set was 
measured with a prototype version of the sensor described 
in table 1. This prototype uses 64 pixels per scan. The 
flight height was 300 m and the measurement frequency 
was 300 Hz. This resulted in a point distance of about 
30 cm in flight direction and about 3 m perpendicular 
the flight direction. For this test the positioning and atti- 
tude determination of the laser rangefinder was only per- 
formed with an Inertial Navigation System, which resulted 
in rather large offsets and drifts in the estimated transla- 
tion parameters between two different strips as shown in 
figure 3. Each point in this figure, consisting of dX, dY, 
dZ , can be considered as a tie point information. 
6 | 
[m] | 
à & 
-8 me 
: mDX DY eDZ Simic] 
210 um 1 L —À 
16 170 475 180 185 190 
Distance between two windows: 10m 
windowsize: ~40m * 40m 
Figure 3: Matching results before calibration 
Estimation of transformation parameters 
Using the tie and control point information a strip adjust- 
ment is performed. The result of this step is a set of trans- 
formation parameters for each single strip. This transform- 
ation parameters allow a transformation of each measured 

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