Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Figure 1: WAOSS image strip of the Berlin-Tiergarten (full strip and enlarged detail) 
The special technical parameters have to be considered 
within every geometrical processing, especially during the 
orthoimage generation (see Chapter 3). Beside this, some 
sensor offer several operation modes which define diffe- 
rent spatial and spectral resolutions as well as different 
fields of view (FOV). 
While the CASI and DAEDALUS airborne scanners are in 
practical use since years and operational flight tests of 
DAIS have been made recently, the three-line-scanners 
HRSC and WAOSS are basicly imaging systems of the 
Mars96 Mission which is going to be launched to planet 
Mars in autumn 1996. But in addition to this planetary 
mission on a spacecraft both cameras are prepared and 
already used for airborne Earth observation. 
HRSC is proposed to be flown over the vulcano Etna 
(Italy) in order to test data processing for the Mars96 
Mission and also to generate high resolution Digital Ter- 
rain Models and orthoimages of the Etna region. 
WAOSS has aiready been flown over brown coal mining 
regions and also very impressive images of the Berlin- 
Tiergarten region could be obtained. Fig. 1, showing the 
deformation of a »straight« road, visualizes the geome- 
trical problems which arise from flight attitude variations. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Concerning the optical resolution up to now the scanner 
technology provides a much lower resolution than it is 
known from the photographic films. Although there are 
tendencies to develop digital matrix cameras with high 
optical resolution characteristics, line-scanning systems 
will not become obsolete because of their extended spec- 
tral range and their spectrometer capabilities. 
Tab. 1 shows a few technical parameters of the above 
mentioned sensors (note, that WAOSS consists of clear 
channels only and HRSC offers 5 clear as well as 4 colour 
number of resolution at FOV | Number of 
channels | height = 2000 m | (deg) | pixel/line 
m mrad 
DAEDALUS 11 2.5 1.25 42.96 716 
DAIS up to 79 6.6 3:30 78 512 
CASI up to 288 239 1.20 34.2 512 
WAOSS 3 0.5 0.27 80 5184 
HRSC 9 0.08 0.04 12 5184 
Table 1: Technical characteristics 
of some line-scanning sensors 
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Figure 2: 

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