Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

data, DSM break-lines are extracted within regions, where 
buildings are expected, and matched against a parameter- 
ized building model [Haala 1995]. Figures 7 to 9 give an 
example of the executed 3D building reconstruction. Us- 
ing the DSM shown in figure 7 a perspective view of the 
Digital Surface Model used for break-line extraction, the 
resulting CAD-like description of the reconstructed build- 
ings is given in figure 8. For better visualization of the 
results, the roofs of the reconstructed buildings were addi- 
tionally projected to the corresponding section of an aerial 
image (figure 9). 
Figure 7: 3D view of used laser data 
Figure 8: 3D view of reconstructed buildings 
Figure 9: Houses projected to image 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Using airborne laser scanning systems an direct 3D meas- 
urement of the terrain surface is possible. The derivation 
of different area covering 3D descriptions of the terrain sur- 
face, like Digital Terrain Modell or a Digital Surface Model 
can be performed by using different filtering processes on 
the laser data. Especially in regions, like forest areas or 
coastal areas, where photogrammetric data is difficult the 
presented system provides an excellent tool for fast and 
efficient 3D data capture. Fusing the distance informa- 
tion with other data sources, like intensity information for 
the 3D reconstruction of buildings shows additionally the 
enormous potential of this kind of information. 
TopoSys in Ravensburg, Germany is gratefully acknow- 
ledged for providing the test data sets. Especially Dr. 
Lohr and his co-workers Dr. Schäfer and Dr. Lôffler are 
thanked for their support. 
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Haala, N. [1995], 3d Building Reconstruction using Linear Edge 
Segments, in Fritsch & Hobbie [1995], pp. 19-28. 
Haala, N., Cramer, M. & Kilian, J. [1996], Sensor Fusion for 
Airborne 3D Data Capture. Paper to be presented at the 
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Lohr, U. & Eibert, M. [1995], The TopoSys Laser Scanner- 
System, in Fritsch & Hobbie [1995], pp. 263-267. 

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