The preprocessing of remotely sensed data includes any
process that has to take place before remote sensing
data can be processed and analyzed by the scientific
users for their own application objects. Data from remote
sensing missions are not always optimal in quality. Each
remote sensing system has its own characteristic
capability depending on such things as the instrument
design, altitude of the platform, and performance of the
recording equipment. Other less predictable, often
extraneous, influences may adversely affect the quality of
the retrieved data. Preprocessing functions are necessary
to reduce or eliminate such inadequacies. It consists of
mainly two correction; radiometric correction and
geometric — correction. (Battett and Curtis, 1982)
(Curran, 1985)
This paper describes the systematic correction
mechanism of heavy geometric distortions inherent in
images from micro-satellites with poor pointing ability. It
also shows the result in case that this mechanism is
applied to the KITSAT-1 images.
2. Background
Most of the earth images from a satellite are heavily
distorted geometrically. These distortions are mainly from
the Earth, the satellite, the orbit and the image projection.
The Earth contributes to the image deformation by its
rotation, oblateness, and curvature. The contribution of
the satellite comes from its variation in speed, attitude,
and altitude. The projection of a spherical surface on a
flat image also gives rise to the geometric distortions.
These deformations, if not properly accounted for, will
prevent meaningful result in further image processing
such as mosaic, classification, comparison or fusion with
other images and so on.(Mather,1987)
Various geometric distortions inherent in remotely sensed
images have been usually corrected by two methods. The
first one is to use the sufficiently accurate geometric
model based on the geometry of the sensor, the satellite,
the orbit and the Earth. The second one is to use a simple
polynomial derived from the relation in a set of ground
control points (GCP) that correspond to those in real
Many microsatellites like the KITSAT-1 carry experimental
Earth imaging payloads. However, since they usually
provide very limited information about their positions and
attitudes due to insufficient and rather inaccurate sensors,
this makes it difficult to perform accurate geometric
corrections of their images using the first method. The
images from those satellites have been mostly
geometrically corrected using the second method, which
may cause additional distortions in the corrected images
because the derived polynomial used in the correction is
too coarse to represent accurately the whole process
causing geometric distortion.
The Attitude Determination and Control System(ADCS) of
the KITSAT-1 stabilizes its attitude using gravity-gradient
boom and uses several attitude sensors with coarse and
indeterminate accuracy for attitude determination. The
ADCS can provide just pointing error that explains how
much the satellite pointing is deviated from the line
between the satellite and the center of the Earth but
cannot give directional information of the deviation. Since
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
this makes unable to establish an accurate model for the
KITSAT-1 image geometric distortion process, the second
method was applied to carry out geometric correction but
get just the results with poor accuracy.
The geometric model in the KITSAT-1 can be represented
by mainly six uncertain parameters: the pitch, yaw and roll
angles of the satellite attitude and the latitude, longitude
and altitude of the satellite position. In particular, the
parameters of the attitude information are indeterminate
as the ADCS provides just pointing errors on its attitude.
The uncertain parameter values of the KITSAT-1
geometric model are estimated by using a least mean
squares -algorithm to utilize the relationships of GCP
selected between satellite images and real maps. Fig. 1
shows a flow chart of the systematic correction
mechanism described here.
1. Construct models with uncertain parameters
2. Find GCPs in images and maps
3. Estimate the parameters based on the GCPs
using LMS algorithm
4. Enhance the models by substituting
the estimated parameters
5. Correct the images by using the models
Figure 1. Systematic Correction Mechanism
3. Establishment of Geometric Model
Fig.2 shows the fundamental principle to establish the
geometric model of the KITSAT-1 CCD cameras. Three
points are defined on CCD sensor(A), on the center of the
lens(B), and on the Earth surface(C). Let L and M be the
vector from the point A to the point B and the vector from
the point B to the point C, respectively. If the coordinates
of the points A and B are known, it is possible to derive
the coordinates of the point C from the condition that the
vector M is parallel to L so that the point C may be
imaged on the point A on the CCD sensor.
CCD Sensor
The Earth
Figure 2. Fundamental Principle to Derive
a Geometric Model
Four coordinate systems are defined on the CCD sensor,
the satellite, the orbit and the earth respectively as shown
in Fig. 3.
Sensor '
Let the
in C1
the rel
3.1 Nc
The fc
If the
and C
The p
An ar
and le
The v
The c