Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

| 1) - g(z; y) 
iction a sec- 
ins. rr = 
; + Di Ka = 
e parameters 
hler & Nagel 
The method 
] to compute 
2-4.4) model 
ntially based 
ot at all war- 
ages of non- 
‘eatures than 
tion is much 
! noise model 
chemes. Fur- 
done in the 
d, truncated, 
port, often as 
situation may 
rely different 
ition filters. 
ator, (4) Ed- 
tors, and (6) 
rily based on 
f the human 
les. We con- 
image is first 
lurring effect 
he edges are 
/ariant Lapla- 
the Gaussian 
an (LOG). 
wide variety 
ed at several 
n. The edges 
to form the 
more general 
g, introduced 
developed in 
Malik, 1990; 
0: Liu et al”, 
io embed the 
e scale-space 
age g(z, y; 0) 
with a Gaussian kernel G(z,y;0) of standard deviation c, 
the scale-space parameter, which describes the current level 
of scale resolution: g(x,9; 0) = 9(x,9y,0) * G(1,9y;0). The 
larger the value of o the coarser the resulting resolution and 
the more the image is blurred. The choice of the Gaussian is 
motivated by the fact that it is the only kernel in a broad class 
of functions which satisfies adequate scale-space conditions 
(Babaud et al. 1986): (1) causality: increase of a should not 
generate spurious details and (2) homogeneity and isotropy: 
the blurring is shift invariant and does not depend upon the 
grey values. The Marr-Hildreth operator suffers from several 
e Theoretically the zero-crossing contours are closed. 
However, due to noise, texture and quantization ef- 
fects, breaks may occur since the magnitude of the 
pixel differences on the two-sides of a zero-crossing do 
not exceed an acceptance threshold. 
e T-junctions or trihedral vertices are incorrectly de- 
tected. Instead of 3 meeting zero-crossing lines 2 dis- 
connected lines are detected, i.e. a spurious line is 
detected. In general, at positions where the edges are 
highly curves the zero crossings are located improperly. 
The larger the width of the Gaussian, the larger this 
Gaussian smoothing causes merging of closely spaced 
edges, resulting in the detection of phantom edges. For 
example, a set of parallel edges may be joined to one 
edge after convolution with the Gaussian. 
e A good method to combine the results at different 
scales is lacking. 
e Since the Laplacian is a second derivative operator, the 
operator is sensitive to noise. (A nonlinear Laplacian 
for use on noisy images has been developed by van 
Vliet et al. (1989)). 
5.2 Canny Edge Detector 
Canny (1986) formulates edge detection as an optimization 
problem and derives optimal filters for the detection of step 
edges in the presence of Gaussian noise. The product of SNR 
and the localization measure in one-dimension is optimized, 
using as performance criteria: 1) good detection, 2) good 
localization, and 3) only one response to a single edge should 
appear. The steps of the scheme are: 
1. Filtering of the image to smooth the effects of noise 
and to produce a multiscale representation of the image 
data. For computational reasons a suboptimal Gaus- 
sian filter is chosen. 
2. Differentiation by taking directional first derivatives us- 
ing templates at an interval of 30°. 
3. Non-maxima suppression by interpolating gradient vec- 
tors in a 3 x 3 neighbourhood. 
4. Multithreshold hysteresis linking which draws on in- 
formation concerning edge-connectivity. Edge-pixels 
are initially labeled if their response exceeds a high- 
threshold value. Pixels lying above a weaker response 
threshold are then admitted provided they belong to 
edge-segments which are connected to the initially la- 
beled pixels. Finally, unconnected high-response pixels 
are deleted. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Although the Canny operator may remove genuine high- 
frequency edge-features such as corners, its performance is 
good. This is, however, not due to its optimal design for 
step edges embedded in Gaussian noise, but is based on the 
use of local context (generic geometric) information in step 
4. Based on the Canny approach Petrou & Kittler (1991) 
developed an optimal detector for ramp edges. 
5.3 Forstner Operator 
The Forstner (1986, 1993, 1994) operator, which is well- 
known within the photogrammetric community as interest 
operator for feature-based matching, is based on examination 
of a small set of connected gradient components g. and gy, 
enabling to distinguish isotropic structure such as blobs, cor- 
ners, and texture from non-isotropic structure such as edges 
and lines (e.g. roads). The operator requires two thresholds: 
one on the strength of the averaged squared gradients to de- 
cide upon the presence of a feature; if a feature is present, the 
other threshold is to decide whether the feature is isotropic 
or non-isotropic. Based on this scheme Forstner (1994) de- 
veloped a framework for low level feature extraction. 
5.4 Edgeness Operator 
In the template approach (section 4.3), the maximum of the 
responses is taken as edge measure. The relationships among 
the directional template responses are not taken into account, 
although they may give an essential point whether the re- 
sponse is due to noise and texture or to the presence of a real 
edge pixel. A scheme that is able to carry out such a coher- 
ence examination is developed by Cheng (1990). The basic 
notion of this edgeness operator is as follows. If an edge 
is present the responses of the templates in subsequent di- 
rections, starting from the template oriented along the edge, 
will be monotonically decreasing and will show symmetry. For 
noisy pixels this systematics will be absent. If the maximum of 
the template responses exceeds a threshold and all responses 
show sufficient systematics, the presence of an edge is ac- 
cepted. The scheme is especially developed for use on radar 
images. An extensive analysis carried out in Lemmens (1996) 
shows that the operator, using 5 x 5 templates, performs very 
well on images heavily corrupted by noise and/or texture. 
5.5 Cascade of Local Edge Detectors 
Usually, one out of the many local edge detectors is applied. 
However, one may employ several edge detectors in sequence 
to improve quality and/or to reduce the computational costs. 
McLean & Jernigan (1988) developed in such away a fast 
scheme for real time processing of large images. The basic 
idea is to use in a first stage a time efficient operator that 
indicates pixels of interest. A simple cross operator over the 
diagonals (mask: [-1 0 1]) may suffice. This operator may 
classify non-edge pixels as pixels of interest but the number of 
edges that are wrongly not detected should be preferable zero, 
since this type of misclassification can not be corrected in a 
subsequent stage. Next the pixels of interest are considered 
more thoroughly by a more sophisticated operator. Tan & 
Loh (1993) make the above approach still more efficient by 
using in addition multiple resolutions by establishing an image 
pyramid, however at the cost of missing closely spaced edges. 
It will be obvious that cascades of operators may be realized 
in many ways. 

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