pletely sto-
he usual a
(x, y) pixel
e algorithm
of segmen-
te. To pro-
in probabil-
to obtain a
om estima-
(- mentioned
hms can be
from image
ete Markov
for Vi zit;
on number;
egion types;
vergence 1s
ity of (x, y)
! brightness
Xels;, ati the
S ecnormali-
Zzation factor and. 7(/) must tend to infinity with an
unlimited Zinerease: of. à but no quicker than
T(I) € kIn(j -1): k - a parameter. depending on spe-
cilic characteristics of two-level Markov random
If the above conditions are met, then the random
estimation of S, pixel state in the limit with an un-
limited increase of i transforms into an ordinary
estimation by a posteriori probability maximum cri-
terion and random estimation sequence of pixels
yu ya tr Ny xy vee
is a nonstationary Markovian chain of the first order
with a single absorbing state corresponding to the
global optimum.
Thus. during initial iterations the algorithm searches
for global maximum regions compensating the low
quality of the initial segmentation and then tends to
a deterministic form and provides the optimal image
Figs 2-5 illustrate the implementation of algorithms
with random decision rules. The algorithm described
in (Lisitsyn. V., 1991) was considered as determinis-
tic algorithm. Fig. 2 shows reference synthesized
laser locator image with superimposed speckled
noise. Fig. 3 shows the result of initial segmentation.
Fig. 4 presents the result of deterministic segmenta-
tion algorithms implementation. Fig. 5 shows the
result of segmentation algorithms implementation
with random decision rules.
Mathematical modelling results have shown that in
case of proper initial segmentation the stochastic
and deterministic algorithms implementation yields
equal results while in case of improper initial seg-
mentation, the resulting image provided by stochas-
tic algorithm implementation much better agrees
with the ideal segmentation. Besides, algorithm im-
plementation time increases by 30-35%.
The proposed approach is of general nature and can
be applied not only to laser locator image segmenta-
tion but also to other similar cases.
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