Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

one can see that the compared figure (spherical trapezoid) appears 
as the plane trapezoid in the equivalent representation (E). On 
the contrary, the same figure appears as an irregular quadrilate- 
ral in the S-JTSK representation (K). Comparing the equivalent re- 
presentation and the conform S-JTSK system, one can see that each 
1 kn is for 2 826 m smaller in S-JTSK maps. 
The present author is the geodesist and photogrammetrist, and he 
haskleft:.the-decision,olf it is. too much or-if it is negligible, 
to the experts of environment. 
The aerial photographs and the satellite records are certainly the 
main source of information for the environment maps. As shown in 
the paragraph 2., those records are deformed comparing to the re- 
ality in all the three respects: lengths, areas and also angles 
are deformed. Since the length deformation of the satellite records 
is differnt in the satellite path direction than in the perpendi- 
cular direction (Marsik, 1988), the areal elements in those re- 
cords show affinity deformation comparing to the reality. It is 
difficult to transform the satellite imageries to the conformal 
maps, however, it is much suitable to transform those imageries 
to the equivalent maps. The affinity transformation formulae can 
be applied in the last case. 
Gonin, G.B.,. Zubova, T.V., 1987. O sravnéniji kosmiceskich foto- 
snimkov s kartami. Geodezija i kartografija, 1987, No.4, p.34-37. 
Hojovec, V«.a kol«, 4907. Kartografie. GKP Praha, 660 p. 
Konecny, G., 1976. Mathematical models and procedures for geomet- 
ric restitution of remote sensing imagery. Int. Arch. of Photogram. 
Vol. XXI, Part 3, 24 p., Helsinki 1976. 
Marsik, Z., 1983. Mat^natická formulace vztahû mezi zemskÿm povr- 
chem a jeho dálkové snímanymi obrazy. Research report VUT Brno, 
1983, p. 23-32. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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