Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Vertical deflection components in this area were: 
in the plane of first vertical - 6 arc sec and the plane of meridian - 4,5 arc sec, 
i.e.,"horizontal” components of gravity were 3.0 .10\-2 sm/sec/sec , and 42 .101-2 
cm/sec/sec. The rate of flow in this region is 0.4 - 2.0 m/sec and Coriolis accelerations 
3.10\-3 - 15.10\-2 cm/sec/sec operates in the stream (Maslov,1987). 
As follows from the cited estimates, gs dominates over the Coriolis acceleration and the 
flow has to be follow the isolines of N, which agrees well with the observations ( Fig.1). 
In the upper latitudes Coriolis acceleration dominates over the gravity field and the 
mean patterns show a reversal in direction of the northwards travelling water to the 
right (Fig.2),which converge at mid-latitudes. 
A new method of the cross - covariance function estimations for the pairs of anomalous 
field contours ( Fig.2) are developed . In a planetary scale by this method it is shown ( 
See Table 2) the good agreement (from 0.70 to 0.89 ) between the gravity anomalies and 
ocean currents (Worthington,1976) at the western mid-latitude Atlantic . 
Since geoid ( potential) anomalies decrease slowly with distance r from a mass anomaly 
( proportional to r\-1 ), the shape of the geoid reflects the distribution of relatively 
deep-seated mass within the earth. The vertical gradient of the potential, the gravity 
field, decreases more rapidly ( proportional to r\-2 ) and hence are more sensitive to 
shallow mass anomalies. 
The theory of the local-scale circulation in the gravity anomaly area also are developed. 
The results of geophysical and ocenographycal investigations for the west-south part of 
the Barenz sea,is shown in Fig.} (free-air gravity,contour interval 10 mgal and the mean 
stationary surface flows,speed from 0,1 to 1,0 knots). 
It is demostrate the evidence of the spatial currents variability ( eddies ), which could 
be associated with instabilities in the mean flow. Experimental data are indicated that 
the free-air gravity anomaly are related very significantly with a rings-like water 
motions in a given area. 
The results have been obtained shows distinct relation between global gravity and local 
gravity field and oceanic processes. 
They indicates how gravity field databases will be influence on the design of local and 
global environmental GIS data sets. 
Hasse,L, Dobson, F,1986 Introductory Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean.D.Reidel 
Publ. Comp.,Boston, Dodrecht,Tokyo,p.3. 
Maslov,1.A.,1987. Gravitational forces in the dynamics of the ocean. Report # 4 Soviet 
Physics-Lebedev Institute ,Allerton Press Inc.,pp.43-46. 
Vinzent ,S., et al. À detailed gravimetric Geoid from North America to Euroasia.- 
Goddard Space Center,1972. 
Worthington,J.,1976.On the North Atlantic Circulation. Johns Hopkins Oceanographic 
Studies, N 6. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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