ified and finer-
removed. The
he current level
| by a convolu-
of successively
ional) Gaussian
les is by means
ages a discrete
» 1994).
gh to carry out
s is not the case
0st importance
coarse scale no
lental structure
Is this criterion.
erg (1994) has
space features.
hey are smooth
round and stand
e four different
lation, merge,
tion are not too
| 1994)), merge
only one means
Tore commonly
ck and Shapiro
ents which can
elimiting edges
Yolded versions
moothed (from
on (upper left)
WO regions are
1 (lower right).
ed. Imagine a
ted by a small
It in two edges
thing only one
the term scale-
per referring to
1s for ideal im-
| the road, The
rom top to bot-
s. The level of
vel of noise in
ects. Linked to
le (Koenderink
window which
ale is the scale
ir. For instance
es in the upper
le corresponds
Figure 1: Events in scale-space — a) (left) Images b) (right) Thresholded images (from left to right from top to bottom: original image,
t = 2,t = 5: split into two regions, t = 20: merge into one big region)
Figure 2: Car on road in scale-space — Images (from left to right,
from top to bottom: original image, t — 2, t — 3,1 — 5)
+02 -0-—-I4
Figure 3: H — This is not what it seems to be
One ofthe interesting properties of the human visual systemis that
it appears to represent information on multiple scales (Kosslyn
1994). Figure 3 shows information on two different levels of
scale (similar patterns are used in psychological experiments).
On a coarse scale you can see the letter "H", but on a small scale
this is questioned ("this is not what it seems to be”). In this
example the information on the two scales is independent but in
many cases there is a close interaction of large scale and small
How abstraction can occur by means of change of scale, how
this is linked to scale-space events, and how this can be used
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
in practical applications is shown in the following using the ex-
traction of roads from aerial imagery and the generalization of
buildings as examples.
3.1 Extraction of Roads from Aerial Imagery
There is a lot of work in the area of the extraction of roads
from aerial and satellite imagery (Airault et al. 1994, Gruen et
al. 1995, Jedynak and Rozé 1995, McKeown Jr. and Denlinger
1988, Steger et al. 1995). But only Steger et al. (1995) use
different scales. This paper is in the line of Steger et al. (1995),
but tries to add a theoretical foundation.
3.1.1 Large Scale: Roads in images of a resolution of 0.1m
up to 1m pixel size, i.e. large scale, are complex objects (see
Fig. 4 for a simplified semantic network representation). Roads,
or more specific the road segments, are composed of the pavement
(elongated region made of concrete or asphalt) with colored mark-
ings which are parallel to each other. Additionally, cars drive on
roads, trees or buildings cast shadows on them or occlude them,
and sidewalks lead parallel to them.
From this follows that roads can be detected either based on
parallel edges which are the boundaries of the homogeneous elon-
gated regions made of concrete or asphalt and the surroundings,
or by directly detecting the regions by means of region growing.
Figure 5 shows the result of region growing after selecting bright
regions, eliminating small regions and closing of holes (see Fig. 5
b) for the original image). Even when using large thresholds to
eliminate disturbances, as has been done here, parts of the roads
where trees are casting shadows were not connected. A centerline
representing the centers of the roads can be computed by simple
thinning of the regions (Fig. 5 b)).
3.1.2 Small scale: In images of a lower resolution (2m up to
10m or more), i.e. smaller scale, cars on a road are not visible any
more. The road segments are changed into linear objects which
construct the road network (see Fig. 6 for a simplified semantic
network representation). The road segments are connected by
the crossroads. Special types of crossroads are simple crossroads
or intersections. A specialization of a road segment is a bridge
which crosses other objects.
Because a lot of detail is missing, the model represented by
the semantic network has a higher degree of abstraction than
that of the large scale. Roads appear as lines. Because of their