Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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given input, the nature of the model and the constraints 
provided by the knowledge of the imaging parameters. We 
will consider three cases: matching range data with a digital 
terrain model (DTM), matching an image with a 3-D model 
with good camera orientation knowledge and a more general 
matching situation. All of these cases do share a common 
characteristic: the input image can be registered with the 
model by one global transformation (though the global 
transformation may be space variant to accommodate 
distortions of the sensor). The task of matching thus becomes 
that of estimating the parameters of the transformation. In 
general, we would need to estimate the interior and exterior 
camera parameters, though in most cases, some of the 
parameters may be known or constrained to be in a certain 
3.1 Matching with a DTM 
In this case, the model of the scene is simply an array of 
heights on a grid. The DTM itself may be constructed by 
stereo matching, by direct range sensing or by other means. 
Let us consider the case where the input image is also a range 
image (i.e. it contains height information). 
We can consider both DTM and the range image to be like 
intensity images where the image value represents height 
rather than radiometric reflections. The search for 
transformation parameters can be reduced to search in the 
two-dimensional space of the ground plane. This search can 
be conducted by using conventional area cross-correlation 
methods. In such techniques, a measure of match is computed 
by some metric on point to point differences of height (or 
intensity) values: commonly used metrics are sum of the 
squares of differences or the cross-correlation coefficient. 
One array is translated relative to the other and the match 
metric computed for different displacements and the one with 
the best match is chosen. The search can be made more 
efficient by utilizing a pyramid of varying resolution images: 
coarse registration is achieved at the lower resolutions and the 
search at higher resolutions is confined to the range given by 
the lower resolution. Thus, high accuracy registration can be 
achieved efficiently. An analysis of the accuracy of this 
approach may be found in [7]. 
This technique is not directly applicable if the image is not a 
range image but a conventional intensity image as the height 
and intensity do not have a simple point to point correlation 
and the intensity image is also a function of additional camera 
parameters which need to be estimated. The author is not 
aware of systems performing such registration but believes 
that some form of feature matching as in the cases outlined 
below will be required. 
3.2 Matching a 3-D model with known camera 
We now consider the task of registering an intensity image 
with a 3-D model of the scene (we will call it a site model. 
The site model itself may have been constructed from earlier 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
images and other sources of information. The site model may 
contain various kinds of information, such as wireframe 
models of buildings in the scene, transportation networks, 
terrain heights and surface properties, depending on the 
application. The site model is, in general, a symbolic data 
structure and no point to point correspondence between it and 
an image is possible. Instead, we seek to find the 
transformation that projects the objects in the site model to 
corresponding objects in the image. 
In many photogrammetric and remote sensing applications, 
the camera parameters are known with good precision. 
Internal camera parameters are known by a calibration 
procedure and external parameters are known from 
measurements on the sensor platform. Let us consider the 
case where camera parameters are known well enough so that 
the projection of the site model overlays the image to be 
registered well except for a translation in the image plane (the 
precision of the location of the platform may be lower than 
that of orientation). The task is now to find the correct 
translation as in section 3.1 above. 
In this task, however, we still can not apply the method of 
pixel to pixel correlation as the projected model is not image 
like- it may only contain outlines, many parts of the scene 
may not be modelled at all and the projected structure does 
not have intensity values associated with it!. Instead, we need 
to compute some representations from both the image and the 
model that are similar and can be matched. The matching 
problem would be much easier if we could compute 
descriptions from the image at the high levels of abstraction 
that may be expected in the site model such as descriptions of 
buildings and transportation networks. However, such 
descriptions are difficult to infer reliably, so lower level 
features need to be considered. 
We have developed a system for matching a site model to 
images where the dominant structures in the site model are 
polyhedral buildings [2]. In this case, linear line segments 
extracted from the image can provide sufficient features to 
match with line segments from projections of the models. 
Note that not all extracted lines will correspond to object 
boundaries and not all object boundaries will be so detected, 
but enough should be so that an overall match is possible. 
Figure 1 shows an example image which is to be registered 
with the model shown in Figure 2 (the figure shows the 
projection of the model from the expected view point). 
Figure 3 shows line segments extracted from the image of 
Figure 1. The model lines and the image lines can now be 
matched by selecting candidates from each set that 
collectivelly vote for the best match. Note, however, that the 
lines can not be matched on a point to point basis, as even 
small errors will cause the lines to not align precisely. Instead, 
we consider two line segments to match if they are within a 
certain distance of each other. Further, the contribution of 
1. we could consider constructing an image from the model, but 
faithful reconstruction for the new imaging conditions is a difficult 
task, requiring detailed knowledge of the reflectance properties of 
the elements in the scene and of the imaging conditions 

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