ticular we shall show that a necessary and sufficient condition
for the system to be singular is for the configuration to belong
to one of two classes: configurations in which the optical axes
and baseline are coplanar; and configurations in which there
is coplanarity of one optical axis, the baseline and the vector
perpendicular to both the baseline and the other optical axis.
The paper is organised as follows. The next section defines
the notation, sets out the geometry of the problem and re-
views some basic concepts. The third section shows that
self-calibration can be reduced to solving a linear system from
whose solution the focal lengths can be easily calculated. The
fourth section derives conditions under which the linear sys-
tem is singular (so no unique solution exists), and shows that
these correspond to the geometric configurations described
in the previous paragraph. Finally the last section presents
a solution for the special case when both focal lengths are
known a priori to be equal: here, the unknown focal length
can be read off from the roots of a quadratic.
The following notation will be used in the paper. World points
are written in upper case, image points in lower case, vectors
in bold lower case, and matrices in bold upper case. a; de-
notes the j-th column of the corresponding matrix A, while
Aj; denotes the 27-th element. In particular, I denotes the
3 x 3 identity matrix and i; denotes the j-th column of I,
i.e. the unit vector with a one in the j-th position and zeroes
elsewhere. (Note that by definition a; — Ai;.) The sym-
bol 7 denotes matrix and vector transpose, while 77 denotes
the transpose of the inverse matrix. The notation u + v
(U ~ V) indicates that the vectors u and v (matrices U
and V) are the same up to an arbitrary scale factor. Finally
entities related to the right image are marked with a '
We now define the geometry of the model problem. Figure 1
shows a scene being stereoscopically imaged. The global ref-
erence system O' — X'Y'Z' is taken to coincide with the
coordinate system of the right image, with the origin at the
optical centre. R = R(a,/,y) denotes the matrix associ-
ated with a rotation of angles o, 3, y about the X"-, Y"-,
and Z'-axes, respectively, that renders the left image parallel
to the right image. b — (b,,b,, b;)7 denotes the baseline
vector connecting the optical centres of the cameras. The
parameters o, B, v, b,, by, b; are said to specify the relative
orientation of a stereo pair of images. Since the scene can
only reconstructed to within an overall scale factor, it is usual
to remove this ambiguity by assuming that ||b|| — 1, leav-
ing 5 independent parameters to be determined in relative
We next assume that the location of the principal point (the
intersection of the optical axis with the image plane) is known
in each image, and that the image coordinate system is Eu-
clidean (i.e. no skewness or differing scales on different axes).
In this case a simple translation of all image points will en-
sure that the principal points coincide with the origins in the
image plane coordinates. Thus the only unknown intrinsic
parameter associated with the formation of each image is the
focal length.
Now let M be a visible point in the scene, and m = (z,y)”
and m' = (z',y')" be its projections onto the left and right
image planes. Relative to the global reference system O' —
X'Y'"Z' at C' and the coordinate system O — XY Z at C,
the points m' and m can be expressed in vector form as
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Figure 1: Stereo camera setup.
q' — (z',y', —f")* and q « (z,y, —f)*. It is clear from
Figure 1 that the three vectors q, q', and b are coplanar. This
relationship is encapsulated in the epipolar equation which
relates corresponding image points by
q'-(b x Rq) - 0. (1)
Let f > 0 and f' » 0 be the two focal lengths, A and A’
be the intrinsic parameter matrices of the two cameras, and
B be the skew-symmetric matrix containing elements of b.
Then under the above assumptions these matrices have the
1a 0 0 1240 0
A= 150,1 0 Az i0 71 0
00° 1/4 0550 V2 f^
0 — by
B = b. 0 —bz , (2)
—b, b 0
and (1) may be expressed in matrix form as
q' Eq - 0, (3)
where E is the essential matrix given by
E = BR. (4)
Now let m' — (z', y', 1)? and m — (z, y, 1)? be alternative
representations of the image points in homogeneous coordi-
nates. Observe that
q= A7'm (5)
q' = A'”'m'. (6)
We may now immediately infer that
m' Fm = 0, (7)
where F is the fundamental matrix [2] embodying both ex-
trinsic and intrinsic imaging parameters, and is given by
F=A""BRA™. (8)
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