Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

superimposition, based on coordinates which are equivalent to 
those of the perspective model. The perspective sensor model 
maintains one model coordinate system, which on the one 
hand defines the movement directions of the instrument 
encoders (hand-wheels etc.) and which, on the other hand, 
holds the model coordinates which applications receive and 
use to control instrument movements. Applications normally 
would derive ground coordinates from model coordinates 
using a transformation matrix which is also provided by the 
Since the real-time movements of the spot sensor model are 
performed in a different coordinate system (see chapter 
"Mathematical Aspects of the Real-Time System"), additional 
RTP internal computations had to be implemented to compute 
model coordinates which can be used in the same way as 
described above. In fact, these model coordinates are ground 
coordinates; consequently, the transformation matrix for 
deriving ground coordinates is a unit matrix. 
The definition of the ground coordinates (TM, UTM and 
Lambert) can be given by the user during the orientation. The 
desired output system, TM, UTM or Lambert. is also specified 
during orientation so that the RTP considers this system of 
ground coordinates and delivers the appropriate information to 
- the mono and stereo superimposition system had to be 
supported; this has been no concern at all, because the 
integration of the superimposition into the RTP is such that 
any sensor model is supported without any necessary changes 
for the superimposition. 
4.1 Mathematical Aspects of the Real-Time System 
A real-time analysis of SPOT has been done by KRATKY (1987). For 
clarity, the ‘model’ system refers to the co-ordinate system in which the 
orientation is calculated, in this case the inertial geocentric system. xy’ 
refer to the left image co-ordinates, and x” and y” refer to the right 
image co-ordinates. Real-time model panning on a photogrammetric 
plotter requires that the plate position be updated at a high frequency; 
25 Hz is known to be adequate. 
The orientation parameters of a dynamic system change with time and 
is different for every scan-line (x-image co-ordinate). A RTP for SPOT, 
if driven by encoder-input in ground units, would require an iterative 
computation as the x-image co-ordinates are required (and not known) 
to calculate the orientation parameters. In six iterations, this could 
result in more than 500 floating point (FP) multiplications per image 
which is about 20 times the required number in a perspective RTP 
system. This would be difficult to achieve on typical CPUs of the day 
like an INTEL 486/66 MHz. 
An SD operator expects the same feel as a model based on the 
perspective geometry. Thus, encoder-input devices must respond in 
similar fashion and the floating mark should move in the same 
consistent direction when the encoder input-devices eg. handwheels are 
operated. RTPs for conventional photogrammetric models are driven by 
model co-ordinates with axis almost aligned to the photo-co-ordinate 
To achieve the same effect, image co-ordinates (x’y’) would be the 
logical choice of encoder input for a linear array RTP system. There 
may be a misalignment of X- and Y-axis from the expected movement 
of the floating mark due to the placement of the image in the SD. 
This problem is solved in an analytical plotter by using the kappa 
rotation from the inner orientation matrix of the left image to transform 
the basic encoder input. After model set-up, the right image could be 
rotated in kappa (as necessary) to ensure correspondence with with 
‘DOVE’ prisms in an analytical system but in a digital 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
photogrammetric system this is compounded by the need for image 
resampling image resampling (and re-display). 
Accordingly, the operator expects the floating mark to move at right- 
angle to the plate when the foot disk is displaced as is the situation in 
conventional photography. This requires that the height (h) be the 
choice of input for the third encoder. This height should refer to the 
local geodetic system and would. therefore, compound the 
implementation because orientation is done in the geocentric system. 
A compromise is to have encoder input in x'y'H. The height allows for 
scale to be solved in the collinearity model and thus the transformation 
to the model system is accomplished in one step without iterations. 
Then the calculation of x"y" proceeds iteratively. Less than 300 FP 
calculations per cycle are achievable here, but this may still not be fast 
Figure 4: Optimisation drill for the RTP of SPOT 
step 1: 
iteraive iteraive 
This requires many iterations and, therefore, takes too long. 
step 2: 
This is faster but the Z-floating mark may not move 
vertically to the image planc. 
Step 3: 
[I sete an aprox. Z(geoc). for each X y' grid pt. on the left-image 
[2- compute XY7. (ECH). then transform to ECEF. and then to ENR 5] 
E (EN h) 
Zu = Zi+h-h; 
until huh 
Then fit to Kratkys polynomial coefficients 
Z = F(x, y,h); after collection of terms 
This should work well but can still be further optimised 
Step 4: 
similar polynomials could be calculated linking the following: 
X'y'h to x^y"(notimplemented in the Leica system) 
x'y'h ^to HN 
ENh Display 
This is thc full optimisation 
A furthe 
5 grid c 
the Z-g 
shows tl 
Proper ; 
more th. 
time sys 
Tests w 
of less 
and 5 m 
at 25 mi 
This is a 
Figure 5 
a genera 

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