Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

4.2 Preprocessing 
The photogrammetric restitution of 3-line imagery requires 
a large number of conjugate points. Digital image match- 
ing is an appropriate technique to automatically determine 
these points. Before starting the matching procedure, the 
image strip of the nadir looking CCD array was resampled 
by factor 3 to obtain the same pixel size in all 3 strips. 
Using the least squares region-growing matching algorithm 
(Heipke et al. 1994) about 14000 conjugate points were 
found. The standard deviation of the image coordinates 
was assumed to be 0.3 pixel. 
In the area covered by the 3 image strips 79 DGPS-derived 
ground control points (GCP) were available with a stan- 
dard deviation of 0.1 m in X, Y and Z. 75 points were 
identified and measured in the images (Baltsavias 1995). 
During the D2 mission tracking was routinely performed 
using the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System 
(TDRSS). The orbit determination for orbit #75B is based 
on 900 S-Band Doppler measurements with a sampling 
rate of 10s covering about 180 minutes. The force and 
measurement modeling comprises the shuttle epoch state 
vector, the drag coefficient and 5 parameters describing 
perturbations of the attitude thruster system. The pure 
statistical standard deviations of the epoch state vector 
components were 30 m, whereas unmodeled effects of the 
attitude thruster system contribute an additional error of 
up to 50m (Braun, Reigber 1994). 
A major problem arose from the fact that the image 
recording times could in general not be related better than 
0.5s to the time scale UTC. A time offset of 0.5s corre- 
sponds to an along-track position offset of the space shuttle 
of 0.5s- 7 km/s — 3.5 km (!). Since no parameter for the 
time offset exists in the bundle adjustment algorithm, a 
realistic weighting matrix for the epoch state vector com- 
ponents has been derived to relax the orbital constraints 
in the along-track direction (Gill et al. 1995). The force 
model parameters p were treated as constants due to the 
short time span (1 min) of image acquisition. 
Attitude information was derived from gyro recordings of 
the Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) of the shuttle Guid- 
ance Navigation and Control System. Based on approxi- 
mation tests the optimum distance between two orienta- 
tion points was found to be 4615 rows, corresponding to a 
flight distance of 62.3 km and a flight time of 9.1. 
4.3 Combined Bundle Adjustment 
The combined bundle adjustment was performed in the 
geocentric coordinate system WGS84. The DGPS-derived 
ground points were divided into two groups. The first 
group consists of 12 GCP, where 3 points each are located 
in the corners of the threefold overlapping area to ensure a 
precise definition of the global datum. The second group 
comprises 63 geometrically well distributed points which 
were used as check points. 
The following data were introduced as observations: 
e [mage coordinates of 13959 conjugate points 
(c —0.3 pixel) 
e Image coordinates of 12 GCP (o —0.5 pixel) 
e [mage coordinates of 63 check points (o —0.5 pixel) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
e Object coordinates of 12 GCP (ox 2 ey — cz = 
0.1 m) 
e Epoch state vector components with associated 6x6 
weighting matrix 
e Attitude parameters (6,1,0) at 8 orientation points 
AI Je qa pug 
In Table 3 the rms values of the theoretical standard devi- 
ations of the check point coordinates A ad Z and 
the corresponding empirical values are presented. The 
theoretical values were computed from the inverted nor- 
mal equation matrix and the a posterior óo value of the 
bundle adjustment. The empirical values were derived by 
comparing the estimated object coordinates of the check 
points and the known values. 
MOMS #75B theor. | empir. 
psg [m] |: 611.2 9.3 
HT hal | 19.1 10.2 
iz [m] 8.9 11.2 
a [m]. (44.2: |; 108 
Table 3: Rms values u$, py, uz and py; of the the- 
oretical standard deviations derived from 63 check points 
and corresponding empirical values 
The good correspondence between the theoretical and the 
empirical values proves the correctness of the stochastic 
and the functional model. The empirical values show that 
accuracies of about 10m (0.7 pixel) in X, Y and Z were 
achieved. A graphical analysis of the residuals in the check 
points showed that the results are not affected by system- 
atic errors. 
Due to the improper time synchronization between image 
and orbit data, large corrections to the a priori state vec- 
tor components occured, that contribute mainly to along- 
track position errors. The theoretical accuracy of the six 
components was improved compared to the a priori val- 
ues by a factor of 6 to a level of 150 m, primarily due 
to the availability of GCP. The orbit accuracy from the 
pure TDRSS solution (50-70 m), however, could not be 
improved. A high accuracy orbit determination from a 
combined bundle adjustment thus requires a time synchro- 
nization of 0.1 ms or better. 
In this paper a new concept for integrated orbit and 
point determination in satellite photogrammetry is pre- 
sented and verified by simulated Mars96 HRSC/WAOSS 
and practical MOMS-02/D2 data. For the first time orbit 
determination results are rigorously incorporated into the 
bundle block adjustment, which is equivalent to a com- 
bined adjustment of tracking and image data. The pro- 
posed concept guarantees the proper utilization of orbit 
information in the bundle adjustment and, vice-versa, en- 
ables the use of image information to improve the orbit 
determination and to support the estimation of scientific 
parameters (e.g. Mars rotation parameters). 
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