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f scientific
The new concept will be routinely used for the forthcoming
MOMS-2P/PRIRODA mission aboard the Russian space
station MIR, scheduled for spring 1996. Within 18 months
MOMS-2P (MOMS-02, adapted to the PRIRODA envi-
ronment) will collect imagery from about 400 km orbital
height with a ground resolution of 6 m and 18 m respec-
tively. The dedicated MOMSNAV navigation package,
consisting of high precision GPS and INS ensures precise
orbit and attitude data, synchronized with the MOMS-2P
imagery by 0.1 msec. Since MOMS-2P/PRIRODA images
will enable a regional covering, a simultaneous block ad-
justment of several overlapping strips from different orbit
arcs which provides highly accurate results will be possible.
Another attractive application of the integrated concept is
based on 79 images of Ida and its satellite Dactyl obtained
by a CCD frame camera during the 2"? Galileo asteroid
flyby in August 1993. These images combined with orbit
and attitude data and orbital constraints provide a novel
opportunity to extract the physical parameters of Ida and
Dactyl, ie. size, shape and motion of the two objects, as
well as possibly also mass and density of Ida.
I would like to thank Eberhard Gill and Oliver Mon-
tenbruck at the GSOC/DLR for their great support. The
work presented in this paper is funded by grant 50 QM 9205
of the German Space Agency (DARA).
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