Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

D 10.0 
7.0 5 
Figure 2. The result of the DTM generation 
The basic parameters of DTM are the distance between 
centres of the nodes of the grid in the ground coordinates 
system and the accuracy of the determination of their 
positions. The cost and the time of the coordinates 
(X, Y,Z) creation is also important. 
Building DTM from existing maps needs the contours 
extraction from the raster image of the maps registered 
by a scanner. The contours are pointed by the operator 
on the display screen. The same operation can be done 
directly on the map using a digitizer. In this two cases 
we receive the vector image of the contours in the 
ground coordinate system. To obtain DTM, the heights of 
the terrain, which are written as contours, should be 
interpolate into heights in the nodes of the given grid. 
Each cell of this grid that does not have a corresponding 
positioned vector element will have an interpolated Z- 
value. The Z-value may be determined as the result of 
the linear interpolation. For example the Z-value can be 
determined from the line between the closest known 
values on both sides of the cell. The Z-value that 
corresponds to one of the eight linear solutions with the 
greatest slope is assigned as the final cell value. The 
resulting surface may be irregular. To obviate such 
problems e.g. an automatic smoothing routine should be 
done, but this will not be described in this paper. 
DTM building by photogrammetric measurements needs 
as input material a stereo pairs ( at least one). 
DTM can be obtained by two ways: 
e calculating the elements of the relative and absolute 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
e direct calculating X, Y,Z coordinates in the ground 
coordinate system using the project transformation. 
In the first point it is necessary to know the parameters of 
a camera and the function from pixel to image 
coordinate system. 
In the second point it is very important to have the high 
precision of the measurements of the control points 
coordinates in the pixel coordinate system as well as 
their accurate identification in both images. The algorithm 
of DTM building can be obtained e.g. on the basis of the 
correlation method. It matches area from two images 
taking into account the correlation coefficient. The 
algorithm calculate it many times for surroundings of the 
pixel (node in a grid of the left image). The area is 
matched for the maximum value of this coefficient. The 
algorithm searches the one (left) image along the nodes 
of the given grid. These nodes are determined a priori. 
The information from one iteration (image pyramid) about 
matching is used in the next one. Because of this we can 
make shorter the time of the calculation. 
The Figure 2 is the result of the DTM, generated by 
correlation method, after interpolation. 
To calculate the errors in determination of the X,Y,Z 
coordinates in the process of DTM generation is very 
important because they affect the errors of the 
orthoimage. We will consider the case when we use the 
interior and absolute orientations in computation of X,Y,Z 
We use the formulas: 
o o 
X-X, --Z ^. )eB(T) 
C k p 
; à (81) 
Y-Y, z-Z3- jen! 
C k p 
Z-2. = B(—) 
X,Y,Z the ground coordinates, 
x$,y$ the image coordinates of the horizontal left photo 
X, Y,, Z, the translation vector 
p°=x;-x, the difference of the abscissas of the 
corresponding points on the horizontal left and right 
c, focal distance 
B the base of the photo in the ground coordinate system 
The mean square errors m, m,m, we obtain first 
calculating the differentials of (31), e.g. the formula of d, 
is as follows 
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