Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Orientation Reference 
parameters values 
w', ok" [gon] | 1.4239, 2.7912, 97.2435 
Xà, Yo, Z6 [m] | 778.975, 849.507, 787.408 | 800.0, 800.0, 800.0 
0.0, 0.0, 100.0 
w^,o*,&^ [gon] | 1.8705, 3.5164, 96.9875 
X6, Yo, Zà [m] | 735.269, 318.586, 784.530 | 700.0, 300.0, 800.0 
0.0, 0.0, 100.0 
Table 1: Reference and starting approximate values for the left and right photo. 
5.1 Interior orientation and reference exterior 
The fiducials have been measured by means of the semi- 
automatic capabilities of MATCH-T. The whole procedure 
takes only a few seconds. Affine transformations were used, 
and the resulting oo was 1.1 um for the left image and 3.2 
pm for the right image. 
‘For the reference exterior orientation, only points within the 
overlap area have been measured. The orientation parame- 
ters have been computed by a bundle adjustment including 
manual measurements of 47 manhole covers. A priori stan- 
dard deviations in the adjustment were 0.07 m for horizontal 
control, 0.15 m for vertical control (both corresponding to the 
specified standard deviations for well-defined points), and 3 
pixel = 5um for image points. The RMS residuals were 2.7 
pm in image space and 0.046 m (XY) and 0.086 m (Z) in 
object space. 
5.2 Starting values 
The approximate values for w and ¢ are set to 0 gon, & is in 
this case set to 100 gon. The Xo, Yo and Zo are rounded off 
to the nearest 100 m. The reference and starting approximate 
values are given i table 1. 
The size of the search area is 81x81 pixels in level 5, and 
21x21 pixels in level 4 to 0. 
5.3 Evaluation of results 
Results are evaluated after the robust bundle adjustment 
computation in each iteration, i.e. each level in the image 
pyramid. Firstly, the resulting image orientation parameters 
are compared to the reference values by a RMS calculation 
on the differences (RMSD) for the rotation angles and the 
Secondly, the RMS residuals — resulting from inaccuracies in 
the digital map and the automatic image measurements — are 
computed for image space and object space (horizontal and 
vertical control, respectively). 
If it is possible to detect possible blunders and estimate im- 
proved image orientation parameters from image points mea- 
sured in level 5, with 480 um resolution, much has been 
achieved. If we do not succeed in this level, we will not suc- 
ceed in the higher resolution pyramid levels either. 
However, a strong improvement of the orientation parameters 
is reached in level 5. Because of the highly redundant system, 
the robust bundle adjustment successfully detects 15% blun- 
ders. A closer analysis of the blunders reveals that in case 
of high vegetation, deep shadows or other kinds of heavy 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
‘noise’, the algorithm may detect one of the neighbouring, 
similar looking intersections. An example is shown in figure 
4. |n other cases light roofs are taken for intersections. 
Figure 4: During the first iteration, the algorithm mixes the 
two intersections shown (the correct one at the left), due to 
the large search area in the initial search, and high vegetation. 
The RMS residuals are quite low in image space, considering 
the 480 um resolution, and in object space very low. The 
RMSD values for the orientation parameters are strongly im- 
proved. Please refer to table 2 for detailed results. 
As can be seen from table 2, the iterative algorithm reaches 
a solution with low RMS difference and RMS residual val- 
ues. There seems, however, to be some unstability in the 
image level iterations, which probably stems from inappro- 
priate automatic a priori standard deviations on the image 
points. This is also the reason why the lowest RMS residuals 
in object space are reached already in level 5(!). 
From level 3 to level 2, there is no improvement on the RMS 
differences, and the number of blunders rises from about 296 
to 1096. The RMS residual values, however, are significantly 
Comparing the figures for level 1 and level 0, no significant 
improvement is obtained. This may suggest that for 1:5,000 
imagery, 30 um geometric resolution has enough information 
for this kind of matching, using large control structures. 
One should keep in mind that there are probably systematic 
errors due to light/shadow conditions on the edges of the 
road intersections. This has not yet been investigated, but 
clearly, the results achieved in this test should be verified 
through further tests. It is evident, however, that the digital 
T3 map used in this test is sufficiently accurate for exterior 
The processing time on a Silicon Graphics INDY workstation 
(133MHz R4600 CPU, 48 MB RAM) for 30 road intersections 
in all image levels is about 13 minutes, without any kind of 
optimization. This is sufficient, e.g. for overnight automatic 
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