not limited only to the segmentation of optical images, it can
also be applied to the segmentation of range images or other
types of images.
In an ideal image formation process the light intensities of
points in the scene form the intensity I(xx,9æ) at pixel
(zk, yr) in the image. Because of degradation, the , true”
intensities J(z&, yx) are not observable, accessible are only
the gray values g(x, yx) of the image. For simplicity we will
denote a location (zx, yx) only with its index k, e.g. instead
of g(zx, yx) we write gx.
We assume that the degradation is due to additive white noise
with a Gaussian probability density function (pdf) and zero
mean value. The noise is statistically independent from the
light intensities I(x, yx). Nonlinearities due to saturation,
aliasing and quantization effects are neglected. Accordingly,
we have for the gray values in the image:
gk = Ir +n,
where n is a realization of the Gaussian white noise. This
leads for the a-posteriori pdf of the gray values in the image
fa (94 | It) = m e (- ,
where c? is the variance of the Gaussian noise.
We also need a prior model for the light intensity Ip of the
pixel (zo, yo), for which the homogeneity condition is tested.
The prior model reflects our expectations in the value of the
intensity Io before the pixel was assigned to a particular re-
gion. Since a-priori we have no reason to believe that some
intensities are preferred, we assume a uniform density on the
bounded definition space D;. With AT = Imaz — Imin, we
A; : lo€Di
filo) - { 0 otherwise.
2.2 Region model
Our model for a region R is a parametric model. The „true”
light intensities of the pixels belonging to the same region
satisfy the equation:
HORDE (we, yr) (1)
with (k | (zx, yx) € R}, a; E R.
The functions ¢;(z,y) are arbitrary, real-valued functions,
which are supposed to be known for a given region. How-
ever, it is not necessary that these functions are the same
for all regions in the image. In our task of map based seg-
mentation of aerial images, we choose the model of a region
(i.e. the functions ¢;(z,y)) according to knowledge gained
from maps.
The parameters a;, j — 1,..., J in equation (1) are unknown
and have to be estimated. However, as we will show later, if
we are interested only in the segmentation of the image and
not in the parametric description of the regions, the explicit
calculation of their values is not necessary. We assume that
these parameters are random variables over the set of regions
in the image and have an a-priori Gaussian pdf with mean m;
and standard deviation o;:
Sui iust (a; — mj)?
ied sr
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
2.3 Homogeneity predicate
We now define the predicate used for testing the homogeneity
condition. Let (zx,yx), k — 1,..., K be the pixels already
marked as belonging to region R,. Their (unmeasurable)
light intensities Z(z&, yx) (or short 7,) fulfill equation:
ho Ya on) (2)
We denote with (xo, yo) the pixel for which the homogeneity
predicate is tested in the current step. Its gray value is go
and its light intensity is Jo. The homogeneity predicate H.
for pixel (zo, yo) and region R, evaluates to true (H, = 1),
Io =} a4" @o, yo). (3)
Otherwise, H, evaluates to false (H, = 0). According to this
definition, the conditional probability of the predicate #, is:
0 : otherwise.
Io = Sag
Pui. =1]aI)=4 L5 lo 2 ja 4$. (zo. o)
Pul. 0 af^), Io) and P4 (71. —1 | af"), Io) are comple-
The random variables needed for testing the homogeneity
predicate according to equation (3) are unmeasurable. Ac-
cessible are only the gray values gi of the image. Hence,
we redefine our homogeneity predicate and consider the a-
posteriori probability Py(H, = 1 | gx), k — 0,..,K. We
call this expression probability of homogeneity. If the calcu-
lated value for the probability of homogeneity exceeds a given
threshold we take the decision, that pixel (xo, yo) belongs to
the region R,
To illustrate the dependencies between the different random
variables which appear in the calculation of the probability of
homogeneity, we represent them in a Bayesian network (see
e.g. (Pearl, 1986)). The nodes of the network contain the
random variables. If there exists a direct causal influence of
one random variable on the behavior of a second one, an arc
of the graph leads from the node of the first variable to the
node of the second one. The strengths of the dependencies
are quantified by conditional probabilities.
Consider the situation, where the homogeneity predicate for
pixel (xo,ÿo) and region R, is tested. The region R, =
((zx, yx) | k = 1... K} already contains K pixels. The cor-
responding Bayesian network is given in Figure 1. The proba-
bility for the homogeneity predicate to evaluate to true given
the gray values of the image (i.e. the probability of homogene-
ity) is calculated considering the dependencies given in the
network. After successful predicate testing the Bayesian net-
work is updated since the number of pixels in the region has
increased. Each decision situation has its particular Bayesian
The probability of homogeneity can be written as:
Pr zi. {gx}, go) le: P,
PERPE Pw (4)
P (1,
and o
The re
in a cl