The linear solution showed a rather unstable behaviour
and very few of the outliers were detected, especially in
the general cases. The iterative algorithm shows a much
more stable behaviour for the aerial image data, but also
here very few of the outliers are detected. For "small"
errors, set III, one error is detectable but not more.
5.2 Strategy ll: Adding good observations
The linear solution using eight points with repeated
solutions were used together with the LMedS criteria for
including correct observations (fig 4).
Direct solution, 8 points, LMedS
Number of data sets
Number of introduced errors
fig. 4 Adding good observations,strategy (ii), linear
solution with 8 points, LMedS, algorithm 2
The LMedS algorithm finds the solutions and the correct
observations even for large number of outliers, but shows
an unstable behaviour when the numbers of outliers are
small. This is mainly due to errors of type I, i.e., correct
observations have been removed. The reason for this lies
partly in the behaviour of the relative orientation. If eight
points are picked randomly some correct observations
might very well have large residuals even if the median is
low. The presence of noise influences the result in a
similar way as for small gross errors. The number of
errors of type I increases very quickly.
5.3 Strategy lll: Including the outliers in the model
The linear solution using eight points with repeated
solutions were used together with the MDL criteria for
modelling correct observations and outliers in a cost
function (fig 5). The results of the MDL cost function
shows a similar behaviour as the LMedS algorithm, but
the unfavourable behaviour for few outliers of the LMedS
algorithm is not present.
When applying the six-point algorithm formula
[Hoffman-Wellenhof, 1979].instead of the eight-point
algorithm to the data some interesting observations can be
made. The algorithm has a higher percentage of recovered
orientations when data contains large fractions of outliers.
For few outliers the algorithm makes more errors of type
I, especially for "small" error in data set IV and a high
noise level in data set II.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Direct solution, 8 points, MDL
Number of data sets
Number of introduced errors
fig. 5 Modelling correct observations and outliers using
MDL in a cost function, strategy (iii), eight points
linear solution, algorithm 2
Direct solution, 6 points, MDL
5 80
S 60
9 40
z 20
Number of introduced errors
fig. 6 Modelling correct observations and outliers using
MDL in a cost function, six points algorithm,
algorithm 3
The calculation of relative orientation parameters in the
general case is a difficult task, in which the geometry of
the observations interact with dependencies and
correlations of the estimated parameters in a very
complex manner. Large fractions, and indeed also small
fractions, of erroneous observations or outliers can
severely disturb the solution.
The chosen algorithms in this study are not claimed to be
the optimal ones, but the conclusions and comments are
believed to be general.
Several methods for detecting outliers and making the
estimates more robust than the LS estimate have been
presented in the photogrammetric society over the years,
most of the methods having in common that they look at
the residuals originating from some type of LS estimate
using all data. Observations meeting some criteria are
then kept while others are removed or given new weights
and the process is iterated until no more points are
removed. The types of weight functions and test statistics
range from looking at the residuals [Krarup et al 1980] to
more statistically elaborate methods like data snooping
and the B
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