raph are at-
g to neigh-
between two
ch compose
This feature
image anal-
age domain
The aim of
found after
ther objects
ap. For the
of the map
s a general,
for the goal
t that have
ent analysis
tic network,
vels are ex-
ched. Since
ts, its corre-
ad instantia-
at the next
found for all
t yet instan-
tiation, the
d top-down
ce. Thus, in
ocessing al-
rnate during
is possible
concept and
ff these cor-
n. Since it
lower levels
hich can be
e tree repre-
state several
splitted: for
urrent node
node of the
cording to a
the problem
je solved by
n is possible
) the current
ation of the
vn) terminal
Figure 3: Parameters used to describe a line segment
The functions which evaluate the states of the analysis are
very important since they are not only responsible for the
efficiency of the search, but they are also decisive for the
success or failure of the analysis. We relate the valuation
of the search path to the valuation of the analysis goal in
the given state of the analysis. The valuation of the goal
is calculated considering the valuations of the instances and
modified concepts already created and the estimates for the
valuations of the instances and modified concepts which will
be created in the path from the current node to the solution
When an instantiation is performed, implicitly a hypothesis
of match is established between the concept under instanti-
ation and the chosen primitives from the database. Since we
can not ultimately decide at the moment the instantiation
is performed, if it is the correct one, we are working under
uncertainty and we have to quantify our uncertainty. At the
level of each concept in the semantic network we have a di-
chotomous frame of discernment with the events: the chosen
e match
e do not match
to the concept (i.e. model).
The valuations computed for the instances and modified con-
cepts in each state of the analysis are measures of our sub-
jective belief in these hypotheses. They take values between
0 and 1 and we interpret them as basic belief masses in the
framework of the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence (Shafer,
1976). The higher a valuation is, the stronger is our subjec-
tive belief in the corresponding hypothesis. Using the meth-
ods described in (Quint, 1995), the different valuations are
combined and propagated in the hierarchy of the semantic
network to result in the valuation of the analysis goal.
We evaluate two aspects for our hypotheses of match: the
compatibility and the model fidelity. The compatibility evalu-
ates an analysis state considering the principles of perceptual
grouping. It is calculated based on geometric, topologic and
radiometric properties of the image primitives only. In this
category belong for example the goodness of fit of several
line segments extracted from the image data to form an edge
of an object, the goodness of fit of several edges to form a
polygon, the compatibility of the polarity of edges to form a
polygon etc.
The model fidelity measures the goodness of fit between the
image primitives and the specific model gained through the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Figure 4: Neighbourhood function for the position of line
analysis of the map. Portraying it in simplified terms, one
can say that the compatibility is a measure for the ability of
the chosen image primitives to form an object of the generic
model, whereas the model fidelity is a measure for the ability
to form exactly that object, which is predicted by the map.
We present in this article measures used for the evaluation of
the model fidelity.
4.1 Model fidelity for line segments
At the level of line segments we define the model fidelity
with help of a distance function between the image primitives
and the contours stored in the specific model. The distance
function is part of a metric defined with help of a set of square
integrable functions on a parametric space for line segments.
We describe a line segment with help of the coordinates of
its starting point, its length and the angle between the line
and the positive z-axis (see Fig. 3). Thus, a line segment
si is represented in the space S — (xz,y,1,0) by the point
si = (zi, yi,li,0;). The coordinates of a line segment are in
the domain (z,y) € R?, the length of a line is in | € R,
and its angle is in 0 € (—5, 5]. The space (z, y, 1,0) is the
Cartesian product of the enumerated domains and is different
from IR". For this reason we do not use the Euclidean distance
between two points in this space to calculate the distance
between two line segments, but use instead a metric defined
on an isomorphic space of functions.
We define an isomorphism by attaching each point s; in the
space S a function n;(x, y, l, 0) from the space of square inte-
grable functions £2(S). We call this function neighbourhood
function. As a distance between two line segments s; and s;
we now use the distance defined on the family of functions
ni. lt is well known that a distance function defined with the
dij = / (ni(z,y,1,0) — n(z, y,1,0)) dz dy di d
s (1)
satisfies the necessary properties for a metric on £?(S).
we choose the functions n;(z, y, 1,0) such that their norm in
the induced metric is equal to 1, i.e.
| (este, v,1,0)) de dy dtas = 1. (2)