ISPRS Council 1992 - 1996
President Shunji Murai Japan
Secretary General Lawrence W. Fritz USA
Congress Director Karl Kraus Austria
Treasurer John Trinder Australia
First Vice President Kennert Torlegard Sweden
Second Vice President Armin Grün Switzerland
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IAPRS)
Founded bei Eduard DoleZal (Austria) in 1913.
Volume XXXI, Part B3
Invited and Presented Papers of the XVIIIth Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 9 to 19, 1996.
Technical Commission III
Theory and Algorithms
President Heinrich Ebner Germany
Secretary Christian Heipke Germany
K. Eder Germany
In cooperation with Working Group Chairpersons responsible for the reviewing of extended Abstracts and
acceptance of contributions. Authors delivered camera ready manuscripts and selected the keywords.
Editorial Team
Chief Editor Peter Waldháusl Austria
EDP-Software Heinrich Vesely Austria
EDP-Processing Hans Thüminger Austria
Technical-Assistance Ulrike Pachowsky Austria
Josef Tschannerl Austria
Eva Berkes Austria
Copyright 1996
by Austrian Society of Surveying and Geoinformation (ASG) on behalf of ISPRS, and by each author for his part.
Responsible for the content according to Austrian Press Law / Für den Inhalt presserechtlich verantwortlich:
Prof. Dr. P. Waldhàusl
Technische Universität Wien
Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
Gußhausstraße 27 - 29 / 122
A-1040 Wien
Printing: Druckerei Berger, Horn
For Sale after the Congress
Copies of individual parts and complete series may be obtained from:
RICS Books
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