ads. Cross-
le are then
sists in the
t letters or
ow the eli-
ildings. Fi-
. black fea-
zuish 4 dif-
: large buil-
chools, city
ng in light
nce letters
nap image,
ces just by
notice that
vhite) were
: dark grey
pixels, and
and white
done by a
olding ope-
ind divides
is (opening
els of these
surface fea-
images co-
have been
s 1m /pixel.
is superimposed on the aerial left image.
First the images are corrected into an epipolar geo-
metry (see figure 2). Then geometrical relationship
between both aerial images and the scanned map is
determined: a polynomial transform of degree 2 is cal-
culated using manually selected control points. These
transforms are only used to transfer the vectorial re-
presentation of the road network extracted from the
map into both aerial images as presented on figure 3,
but no registration has been performed directly on the
A disparity map is calculated for the complete scene
with a classical cross-correlation algorithm using a
square window of 13x13 pixels. The result, as it can
be seen on figure 4, is very noisy because of the pre-
sence of numerous hidden parts and because of the
very large disparity range required for the complete
scene (80 pixels). —
The generation of the DTM is then split up into 3
steps. First disparity is calculated for each crossroad
of the network. Then disparity is calculated along the
road sections joining the crossroads in order to vali-
date the disparity at the crossroads. Finally a dense
map of disparity is calculated using the validated cross-
3.1 Disparity at the crossroads
In order to calculate the disparity at a crossroad
we consider a large window (30x30 pixels) centered on
each crossroad. A large window is required because
of the lack of precision on the crossroad localization
that can be caused by several factors: precision of the
map itself, displacement during the road extraction
operation and accuracy of the polynomial transform
between the map and the aerial images (see figure 4).
The disparity histogram is calculated on this large
window and its most significant peaks are considered
(see figure 5). The peak given by the lowest disparity
is selected as the ground point representative. Other
peaks are usually provided by points at the top of
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
g. 4 - Road and crossroads eziracted from the map
are superimposed on the disparity image.
Of pixels
e |
o 26 50 76 700
Fig. 5 - Disparity histogram at a crossroad.
buildings. The disparity of the selected peak is then
recorded as the disparity of the crossroad.
3.2 Disparity along the road sections
Since crossroad disparity was calculated ‘using only
local information, we would like to validate this re-
sult with more global information, in order to remove
wrong crossroads and to correct wrong values of dis-
parity. The graph of roads provides the consistency
required for this validation step.