Fig. 6 - Paths in the disparity map using
a dynamic programming technique.
A road section is the portion of road between two
consecutive crossroads. On the disparity map calcu-
lated previously we consider a large band along each
road section. If it is possible to find a regular path
in this band between the two extremities of the road
section, then the road section is validated as well as
the two crossroads.
The search for a regular path is performed by a dy-
namic programming procedure[5), that finds the best
path from one crossroad to the other one. The cost of
an elementary displacement in the disparity map bet-
ween two neighboring pixels is equal to the absolute
value of the disparity difference. The cost of a path
from one crossroad to the other one is then the sum
of these elementary costs. The dynamic programming
approach allows to find the best path with respect to
that global cost with O(nm) operations where n is the
length of the band and m its width. The best path is
validated if it does not contain any disparity gradient.
This validation step is applied twice:
- in a first iteration, a constraint is applied in order
to force the different paths to begin and to end at
pixels with the same disparity as the two extremity
- in a second iteration, the previously non-validated
crossroads and road sections are examinated again wi-
thout this constraint on the extremities. This allows to
correct wrong values of disparity at some crossroads.
Figure 6 shows several paths found by this dyna-
mic programming procedure, white lanes correspond
to validated paths and black lanes to non-validated
paths. One can notice that some paths not validated
during the first iteration because of a wrong disparity
value at the crossroads are validated during the se-
cond iteration (lower left part of the figure). Wrong
disparity values for these crossroads were mainly due
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Fig. 7 - First digital terrain model
before the road section validation.
to misplacement of the road network extracted from
the map.
3.3 Calculation of a dense image of disparity
At this point of the process, disparity is known
only for a few points: the validated crossroads and
road sections. In order to obtain a dense map of dis-
parity, a 2D Delaunay triangulation is performed on
the validated crossroads. The disparity at each point is
then interpolated considering that each triangle repre-
sents a planar surface: the plane equation associated
with each triangle is calculated with the 3 coordinates
(u, v, disparity) of its corners.
A more sophisticated approach would consider com-
plex 3D surface models like Bernstein-Bézier patches
in order to obtain G* continuous surfaces[6|.
4 Test scene
Results are presented on a scene in the suburb of
Paris. This scene presents a large variety of construc-
tion density and buildings of various sizes and shapes.
À portion of the scanned map is presented on figure 1,
while figure 2 shows a small but significant part of the
stereo pair of aerial images.
4.1 Results
The road network extraction provides, after the ma-
nual correction, 369 crossroads and 612 road sections.
A polynomial transform of degree 2 between the map
and the left aerial image has been calculated with a
least mean square approximation on manually selected
control points. On figure 3 the road network extracted
from the scanned map has been superimposed on the
left aerial image.
Disparity at crossroads was calculated as described
in section 3.1. The DTM calculated without the va-
lidation process along the road sections is presented
on figure 7. One can notice some obvious errors given
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