Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

racted from 
y is known 
sroads and 
map of dis- 
rformed on 
ach point is 
angle repre- 
| associated 
nsider com- 
ier patches 
e suburb of 
of construc- 
and shapes. 
on figure 1, 
; part of the 
fter the ma- 
ad sections. 
en the map 
ated with a 
ally selected 
rk extracted 
osed on the 
as described 
out the va- 
is presented 
errors given 
number of points 
-10 -6 o 5 10 
error (meters) 
Fig. 8- Error histogram between 
ground truth and generated DTM. 
by wrong disparity values at crossroads. These errors 
generate pitches or holes in the DTM. 
The road section validation process confirmed the 
disparity for 330 crossroads after the first iteration 
and for 348 crossroads after the second iteration. Fi- 
gure 10 presents the final DTM on which red features 
of the map (main roads and contour lines) have been 
superimposed. One can notice that the terrain model 
fits very well the contour lines, and that the errors 
previously seen on figure 7 have been removed. 
4.2 Performance analysis 
Evaluation of these results has been made against 
a ground truth given on grid of 25m x 25m resolution. 
The left image in which referential the DTM is cal- 
culated has been calibrated with these ground truth 
data. Each point in the ground truth is given by its co- 
ordinates (.X, Y, Z) in a cartographic referential. The 
calibration gives the coordinates (u,v) of the corres- 
ponding pixel in the left aerial image. It is then pos- 
sible to compare the ground truth elevation Z of the 
point with the elevation Zg;,,, given by the calibra- 
tion of the pixel disparity. The error at a point is then 
defined as the value of the difference between these 
two elevations: 
€or Z dispa —- 
This error has been calculated for the 5489 common 
points of the ground truth and the generated DTM. 
The mean of the error absolute value is equal to 2.10m. 
Figure 8 presents the error distribution for the scene. 
As it could be expected this distribution presents a 
peak centered on zero, but one can notice that other 
significant peaks are present for positive error values. 
This indicates that our elevation estimation method 
tends to over-estimate the altitude of points. 
At this point of our research further considerations 
should be undertaken in order to identify these errors 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
9 ON OE 6 06 9 
Fig. 9 - Error distribution in the scene, 
dark points indicate large errors. 
more precisely. Figure 9 presents the error distribu- 
tion in the scene. We can first notice that errors occur 
on the sides of the scene where crossroad disparity is 
validated with less road sections (see 3.2). But largest 
errors appear on the highest region of the scene where 
less crossroads are present, because of a building-free 
area. Future developments for our DTM generation 
system consist in the analysis of the white areas of 
the map in order to compensate the lack of crossroads 
in these regions. 
5 Conclusion 
In this paper we describe a new method for automa- 
tic. digital terrain model generation using information 
provided by scanned maps and stereo pairs of aerial 
images. Scanned maps provide useful information on 
the location where the terrain could be directly seen on 
aerial images, mainly roads, crossroads and building- 
free areas. We demonstrated theses ideas with complex 
urban scenes presenting a large variety of construction 
density and buildings of various sizes and shapes. 
Further developments are under progress in order 
to improve the quality of the DTM: 
— use of Bernstein-Bézier patches in order to ob- 
tain a G! continuous surfaces, 
— finer disparity analysis in building-free areas in 
order to compensate the lack of crossroads. 
D'TM generation is the first part of a more global 
system dedicated to the construction of 3D cartogra- 
phic databases using simultaneously aerial images and 
scanned maps. Further developments are dealing with 
the generation of building 3D models, for which scan- 
ned maps are also a rich source of information on the 
presence, shape, size and localization of buildings in a 
dense urban scene.

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