Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

hybrid system has been developed. It combines and 
integrates semantic networks for explicit knowledge 
representation with artificial neural networks which 
provide an analogous holistic object representation. 
Besides the representation formalism, the described 
system includes problem independent inference rules 
as well as a judgment based control algorithms. As 
an example for its abilities and efficiency for the 
interpretation of complex scenes, a system for the 
three-dimensional reconstruction of scenes has been 
presented. Further investigations will integrate im- 
age sequences and will also emphasize the use of 
neural network learning algorithms for the training 
of symbolic semantic networks. 
This work has been supported by the German Re- 
search Foundation (DFG) in the project SFB 360 
*Situated Artificial Communicators". Among the 
people involved in the topic described, we want to 
thank especially to Gernot Fink, Gunther Heide- 
mann, and Nils Jungclaus for their contributions on 
the development of the entire hybrid distributed sys- 
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