Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

image function of the image patches to be matched 
should be well conditioned. This is usually the 
case for areas with enough texture and con- 
trast. Note that the selection also depends on 
the matching method. For example area-based 
matching methods inherently assume flat sur- 
faces; matching windows selected on breaklines 
are potential problems. Feature-based methods 
are much less sensitive in that regard. In fact, 
edges in many cases correspond to breaklines. 
topography points in flat areas are a better choice 
than points on slopes or on tree tops. Tilted sur- 
face patches more likely lead to unsuitable image 
patches due to foreshortening. By the way, the 
foreshortening problem is much more pronounced 
in aerial triangulation because the connections 
of all projection centers involved result in many 
more critical orientations. In a single model only 
one critical orientation exists (along the model 
even distribution of points increases not only the 
block stability but also render a better partial 
reconstruction of the surface. 
5.1.3 Multiple Image Matching: Most of the 
blockpoints are imaged on more than two images. 
Thus, the need arises to find the most probable con- 
jugate location by matching all image patches simul- 
taneously. This possibility does not exist with tra- 
ditional methods because humans can only see two 
image patches at a time. Multiple image matching 
(MIM) alleviates the tie point problem. 
5.1.4 Approximations: In order to meet the accu- 
racy expectations matched entities should have sub- 
pixel precision. As discussed in Section 3, every 
matching method needs approximate matching posi- 
tions. The accuracy of the approximations depends 
largely on the matching method: area-based methods 
require two to three pixels, feature-based methods are 
less demanding but still need good approximations 
(see, e.g., Fôrstner, 1995). Suppose we employ LSM 
on a resolution level of 15 to 30 jum. The challenge is 
to provide approximate locations that are better than 
1/20 mm. 
Not only does the pull-in range determine the approx- 
imations, but also the size of the matching windows. 
Fig. 2 depicts three image patches, size s x s. Their 
centers are only approximately known and the com- 
mon area is much smaller than one window. Let d be 
the uncertainty in predicting the matching location. 
In the worst case the three windows are displaced in 
one direction by 2-d. Suppose now that the same pro- 
cess is repeated with 3 windows of the adjacent strip. 
Again assuming the worst case situation, the displace- 
ment can be in the opposite direction, resulting in an 
overall displacement of d,, = 5 - d. Considering d,, a 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
maximum error we must expect an average displace- 
ment of d, = 1.7-d in a six overlap situation. Now we 
still expect a common overlapping area of, say, half of 
the original window size. From dm € 0.5 - s we con- 
clude that the uncertainty, d, of predicting conjugate 
points should not exceed 1/10 of the window size to 
assure that the common area is still large enough. 
Figure 2: Three partially overlapping matching win- 
dows, offset by the uncertainty from predicting their 
5.2 Solutions, Assumptions, Constraints 
The essential tasks are the result of solving the orien- 
tation parameters as well as possible and of partially 
reconstructing the object space for subsequent pho- 
togrammetric processes, such as the automatic gener- 
ation of DEMs and orthophotos. The tasks must be 
solved in one way or another by automatic aerial tri- 
angulation methods. Their solution entails new prob- 
lems which are briefly discussed here. 
5.2.1 Footprints The request for multiple over- 
lap and even distribution of blockpoints requires the 
knowledge of footprints. Fig. 3 depicts a realistic over- 
lap situation; it goes without saying that selecting 
features in the 6-fold overlap area requires more accu- 
rate positions of the footprints than is available from 
the nominal overlap. To determine the footprints, the 
surface and the exterior orientation must be known. 
This is a dilemma: what we want to determine in the 
aerial triangulation is what we wish to know in the 
very beginning. 
5.2.2 Predictions: A fundamental aspect of match- 
ing is to predict the matching locations and the 
matching range. Assume we have selected an inter- 
esting location according to Section 5.1.14+2. In or- 
der to perform MIM (5.1.3) we need approximate lo- 
cations on all corresponding images. The matching 
range (size of search window) depends on the conver- 
gence radius of the matching method (pull-in range) 
and the uncertainty of the prediction process. 
Fig. 4 illustrates the concept of a predictor. It works 
in two modes: the classical mode begins with selecting 
a matching entity in one image, followed by project- 
ing it into the object space and from there back to the 
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