Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

culture areas will produce wrong assignments. As fig. 5 (com- 
pared to fig. 1) has shown, there are some confusions caused 
by harvested or uncovered fields. 
A second approach for texture parameter is based on the mo- 
dified variance/standard deviation of the reflectance values 
inside an object area. Using the common standard deviation 
disturbances (e.g. by mixing with other classes, digitizing 
errors etc.) will increase the standard deviation enormously. 
Therefore, a histogramm analysis of the reflectance values 
is applied, where the main maximum is extracted. Now the 
related statistical distribution and its 'cleaned' standard de- 
viation can be determined. The results for the same object 
classes and training areas (as used for Haralick parameters) 
are shown in fig. 10. 
A better separability can be achieved (compared to the Har- 
alick parameters) — especially between the object classes sett- 
lement and agriculture. This may be caused by the mostly 
quite inhomogenous texture in satellite images, where the 
modified standard deviation offers a good robustness. 
Markov random fields are just under investigation and deliver 
(up to now) in the first trials no satisfying results applied to 
satellite images. 
3.3 Shape / Size Feature 
Shape and size of objects can be used as non-spectral, geo- 
metrical features for satellite image analysis. Based on the 
results of segmentation (where object contours were achieved 
directly in vector format) parameters for shape and size can 
be derived. 
One of the simplest shape parameters may be 'roundness' 
defined as area to perimeter ratio. After reducing redundancy 
in the contour lines, e.g. by Peuker method, other more 
complex parameters like straightness or parallelism of edges 
etc. can be determined. 
It is very easy to calculate the size of an object (or a seg- 
ment). Using, for instance, the Gauss algorithm the size can 
be computed by means of the image- or absolute coordinates, 
It has to be pointed out again, that both feature contains 
only fuzzy or uncertain information in the decision process. 
3.4 Relation Feature 
Beside the features of the objects itself also the interrelation 
between the objects carry useful information for image analy- 
sis. A part of these relations can be defined in rules, e.g. the 
relation between buildings and streets, between settlements 
and agricultural areas. Therefore the relations between all 
adjacent objects/segments of our working area is modelled 
explicitely in the decision structure (semantic network). 
After creation of segments (incl. their extented features) as 
candidates for semantic objects, a systematic structuring of 
the extracted knowledge is necessary. This information has 
to be formalized synthetically. It is used as input for the 
processing and analysis of image data. 
4.1 Analysis System 
The first step in semantic modelling of the image contents 
will be the verification of the DLM200 objects in the satellite 
image by means of the extracted candidates (segments). If 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
objects don’t have changed and therefore have (with a certain 
probability) no significant difference, they can be verified. If 
not, a general classification procedure is applied to these non- 
verified objects. To do this methods on higher, symbolic level 
are necessary. For this special type of data processing general 
knowledge / rules and specific knowledge about the topo- 
graphic objects is used. Therefore, the analysis system must 
be able to represent and process this knowledge. Different 
formalisms for knowledge representation are known like pred- 
icate logic, rule-based systems, formal gammatics or semantic 
networks (SN). SN belong to the most useable schemes con- 
cerning knowledge representation. For using and modelling 
of knowledge about the database (DLM200) and the actual 
image — as well as central control unit — ERNEST (Erlanger 
Semantisches Netzwerksystem) is applied in this work ((NIE- 
MANN ET AL. 1990); (KUMMERT ET AL. 1993)). 
A SN contains two different types of knowledge: declarative 
and procedural knowledge. Declarative knowledge consists 
of concepts and links, while procedural knowledge contains 
methods for determination of attributes of concepts as well 
as for valuation of concepts and relations. 
The analysis process is controlled by a special algorithm, 
which leads to a multi-level analysis concept (fig. 11). 
model scene area 
image area 
map area 
map scene 
image scene 
change detection 
Figure 11: Structure of image analysis 
A basic SN contains general knowledge about the scene to 
be analysed (generative model). In the next step two SN 
are created containing specific knowledge about the database 
and about the image objects, respectively (generic models 
‘database’ and 'image’). The analysis is based on a compar- 
ison of this two models. In this level procedural knowledge 
(feature extraction) is added to the knowledge still present. 
An actual description of the scene in the database domain 
is built up by means of the generic database model. This 
description of the 'database scene' will be transformed to the 
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