Use Mapping
> framework of
ustrian Science
rview of a pro-
1. The physical
s are defined in
| Rahmen des
chischen Fonds
ein vorgeschla-
1) Modells der
wird formuliert
otischen Satel-
h geometrische
ration and the
: expert knowl-
remote sensing
ledge in an au-
image acquisi-
(more exactly:
. Image analy-
his process: In
erived from an
therefore is to
nodel of image
ical model con-
> radiometry of
tric calibration
lation parame-
and reflectance
thematic map
gions, line ob-
rted here, the
t frequent ob-
d considerably
| segmentation
quisition is ap-
nalysis system
trated in Fig.1
reality model
n t scene
| objects
: : image
image —{ segmentation | — objects
Figure 1: Information flow in the proposed image understand-
ing system: Subdivision of the problem into segmentation and
physical model application
[Schneider, Bartl, 1995].
Starting from the image, image objects are identified by seg-
mentation according to homogeneity criteria. The advantage
of this approach is twofold:
1. The amount of information to be processed in the fol-
lowing analysis is reduced so that it becomes man-
agable, and
2. the mixed-pixel-problem can be brought under con-
trol: A high percentage of the pixels of a satellite
image are mixed pixels containing radiometric infor-
mation of more than one surface category at an un-
known mixing ratio. If the segmentation is performed
employing spatial subpixel analysis [Schneider, 1993,
Steinwendner, 1996], objects with pure spectral signa-
tures can be obtained even in the case of a very high
percentage of mixed pixels in the original image.
The physical model of image acquisition transforms the re-
flectance characteristics px; of objects à (regions on the ter-
rain surface) in spectral bands k, to pixel values di; in the
image. This transformation is influenced by global parame-
ters pA, describing the various absorption and scattering pro-
cesses in the atmosphere, and by sensor parameters pr. The
parameters pa usually are unknown.
The image understanding problem is to assign every region
object à to one surface category C;. The set of possible sur-
face categories is defined a priori by the (mean) reflectance
values pic of the categories C in the spectral bands k. For
certain categories C, other properties (geometrical parame-
ters such as shape or size descriptors of the regions belonging
to these categories) may be characteristic. The mean values
of these geometrical parameters for categoty C are denoted
gio where j is an index defining the parameter. gj; is the
geometrical parameter j for object i as determined from the
image. The image understanding problem can now be for-
mulated in the following way: Given are
e the physical model
dpi = du (Phi, PA,PI) (1)
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
the sensor parameters pr,
e the (mean) pixel values dx; of the objects,
e the (mean) reflectance values pc of the surface cate-
gories to be identified, and
e the (mean) geometrical parameter gc of the surface
categories to be identified.
The problem is to find the global parameters DA and the
category C; of every object in such a way that
3a : (pri — Pk). N° b; - (gji — 9;c;). — Min. (2)
ki ji
The quantities a; and b; here are the weights of the different
spectral bands and geometrical parameters. These weights
also determine the relative importance of the geometrical pa-
rameters as compared to the spectral characteristics.
Reference information ("ground truth data") can be used
in this image understanding scheme: "Radiometric control
points" (reference surfaces on the terrain with given re-
flectance data) may provide input values for px;, and "the-
matic control points” (regions with known land use) may
provide input values for C;.
Object reflectance, radiance and irradiance quantities as well
as atmospheric absorption and scattering are expressed as in-
tegral quantities for the individual discrete spectral bands of
the sensor. Assuming a sensor with linear radiometric re-
sponse, the pixel value dg; is related to the radiance Lj;
incident on the sensor instrument I by
dri = myLik; 0; (3)
mx and a, are the multiplicative factor and the additive term,
respectively, characterizing the response of the sensor to in-
cident radiation in the spectral band k.
Lik; can be traced back to pk; with the use of a computer-
coded numeric model such as LOWTRANT:
Li Lm. pi) (4)
This method is very general and fairly accurate, but compu-
tationally expensive. One has to bear in mind that numerous
evaluations of (4) are necessary to solve (2).
In an attempt to formulate the problem analytically to facili-
tate computation, Lj; can be regarded as a sum of 3 terms
(Fig. 2): of the radiance reflected by the terrain surface, Lj;
(i.e. the signal proper), attenuated by the transmission of
the atmosphere for a vertical path 4 = 0, 70x, the radiance
of solar radiation scattered by the atmosphere directly to the
sensor, LA, (u stands for upwards), and the radiance re-
flected by the terrain surface and scattered afterwards by the
atmosphere to the sensor, Lpuki:
Liki — LokiTok - LAuk + Lpuki (5)
Assuming a terrain surface with Lambertian reflectance char-
acteristics, the reflected radiance is
Loi ; PEG + Pri (6)