Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

where Eg; denotes the global irradiance of the surface in 
band k. This quantity again is the sum of 3 terms: of the 
direct solar irradiance, of the diffuse sky irradiance due to 
solar radiation scattered by the atmosphere downwards to the 
earth, and of the diffuse sky irradiance due to the radiation 
reflected by the terrain surface and scattered back by the 
Ecri = EskTo® 
cosŸ + TLadr + bp TT Lpri (7) 
Es, here is the solar irradiance of a plane perpendicular to 
the incident radiation at the upper edge of the atmosphere, Ÿ 
is the zenit angle of the solar radiation path, L4; is the solar 
radiation scattered by the atmosphere downwards, and by is 
the “reflectance” of the atmosphere due to backscattering for 
radiation reflected by the terrain surface. 
Similar to the quantity bx describing the backscattering char- 
acteristics of the atmosphere, a forward scattering coefficient 
fr can be defined, yielding an expression for the quantity 
Louk introduced in equation 5 : 
D ous E fx : Loki (8) 
Combining all these equations, one obtains the following re- 
lationship between the terrain reflectance values p, and the 
pixel values d; in the image: 
dei = my- 
1/cosŸ 1 Tok + fk 
| (esca cos) 4 nL aa Phi qusc + Lauk 
In this equation, some of the quantities are constant and 
known, such as Es, from satellite observations of the so- 
lar radiation, and 9 from the exact time of image acquisition. 
The sensor parameters my and a; are known in principle from 
preflight or inflight calibration procedures. These parameters 
may change with time, however, so that it might be of interest 
to introduce them as unknown variables in the image under- 
standing problem, or at least to allow small corrections of the 
given values. The atmospheric parameters Tox, Ladk, L Auk, 
fx and b, are unknown. They depend mainly on a large num- 
ber of parameters of aerosole properties and aerosole concen- 
tration distribution and thus are interrelated in a complicated 
manner described by intricate atmospheric models. It must 
be noted that these atmospheric influences can be quite pro- 
nounced and must not be neglected in the calculations, as 
the disturbing quantities LA,; and L,,, sometimes exeed 
the signal quantities L,xTox. One way to handle these at- 
mospheric parameters in the image understanding procedure 
is to work with a limited number (e.g. 2 to 4) “standard 
atmospheres” with constant aerosole types (e.g. “rural at- 
mosphere”, “urban atmosphere”) and to use one additional 
continuous parameter (e.g. atmospheric extinction, or hori- 
zontal visibility V3) to describe the atmospheric situation at 
the time of image acquisition. The atmospheric quantities in 
the physical model equation can then be reduced to the 2 
unknown variables M (discrete, denoting the standard atmo- 
sphere model category), and V;.. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Lau = Laon (M, VV), 
Tor = Tor (M, Vh), 
fk = fa(M, Vh), 
Lauk = Laur (M, Ve}, 
br = bu (M, Va) 
Fig. 3 illustrates the quantity L4,; as calculated with LOW- 
TRAN7 for LANDSAT TM bands k=1,2,3,4,5,7, for a stan- 
dard midlatitude summer atmosphere M with a standard rural 
aerosole profile, and for 3 values of V, (5km, 23km, 50km). 
Polynomial regression can be used to describe this depen- 
dence of Laur and of the other atmospheric parameters of 
equation 10 on V; for a given M. 
Data sets of LANDSAT TM data for experiments with the 
physical model were obtained by manual selection of test ob- 
jects on a conventional image processing system. The re- 
flectance data for different surface materials such as water 
of different degree of pollution, soil, forest (different tree 
species) and meadow were taken from field measurements 
and from the literature. Using these data, the basic validity 
of the model could be proved. The reflectance data (defined a 
priori) produced the observed pixel values for plausible values 
of the atmospheric parameters. 
Solving the image understanding problem by global optimiza- 
tion techniques is being studied at present. In particular, 
simulated annealing and genetic algorithms are being tested. 
[Schneider, 1993] SCHNEIDER, W., 1993. Land use map- 
ping with subpixel accuracy from LANDSAT TM image 
data. Proc. 25th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing and Global 
Environmental Change, Graz, 4-8 April 1993, p. 11-155 - 
[Schneider, Bartl, 1995] SCHNEIDER, W., BARTL, R., 
1995. Physical models in remote sensing image under- 
standing: model formulation and first results. In: Visual 
Modules. Proceedings of the 19th OAGM and 1st SDVR 
Workshop. Schriftenreihe der Osterreichischen Computer 
Gesellschaft, R.Oldenbourg Wien München, p. 59-67. 
[Steinwendner, 1996] STEINWENDNER, J., 1996. Segmen- 
tation of satellite images with subpixel accuracy. In: Inter- 
national Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sens- 
ing, Vienna, Austria. 

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