Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

uk (M, Vi), 
ted with LOW- 
5,7, for a stan- 
i standard rural 
23km, 50km). 
be this depen- 
parameters of 
nents with the 
tion of test ob- 
stem. The re- 
such as water 
(different tree 
e basic validity 
data (defined a 
lausible values 
lobal optimiza- 
In particular, 
e being tested. 
and use map- 
AT TM image 
ing and Global 
93, p. 11-155 - 
image under- 
Its. In: Visual 
and 1st SDVR 
hen Computer 
, p. 59-67. 
1996. Segmen- 
racy. In: Inter- 
Remote Sens- 
Figure 2: Radiation paths in remote sensing image acquisition 
Vis = 5 km 
path radiance [W m-2 sr-1] 
TM band Z 
Figure 3: Path radiance in LANDSAT TM spectral bands for a standard midlatitude summer atmosphere with 
standard rural aerosole distribution for 3 values of horizontal visibility, as calculated by LOWTRAN7 
767 N 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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