Interpolation result —_
nterpolation result »
1.10001 1111 T ses
Time fitness=1.138443e-02
11111000 Space
Y fitness-1.138443e-02
Tim fitness=1.939160e-04
Figure.9 Interpolation Results in Non-overlapping Case
1111 500011
Observational data im Interpolation result
Figure.10 Interpolation Result with
Additional Observational Data
In this study, a spatio-temporal interpolation scheme
is proposed for raster nominal data which can integrate
observational data with behavioral/structural models/rules
under the framework of maximizing likelihood of spatio-
temporal events. Genetic-Algorithm/Hill-Climbing can be
successfully applied to the combinatorial optimization of
nominal voxel-field data. Conclusions from the experiments
can be summarized as follows:
1) GA/HC can be very rigorous because it can generate the
most likely spatio-temporal distribution of class variables
under observational data and a behavioral model;
2) Hill-Climbing method can be effective method to greatly
improve the efficiency of GA;
Although the GA/HC authors proposed can be a good
scheme for spatio-temporal interpolation, it is just a first
attempt to apply GA in the field of spatio-temporal
interpolation. We will apply GA/HC for larger size of class
variable data, to reduce the speed of premature convergence
and get higher efficiency of GA/HC.
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996