Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

nal mean value 
; (13) 
lity of recursive 
> the parameter 
| past necessary 
nstructed. On 
re known: we 
in such a way 
olved using the 
ween close lines 
estimator (11), 
own contextual 
e spectral band 
5), (16), (17). 
correlations on 
lation of these 
and M» with 
fi = B.) 
ft sets I, ;, 1, ; 
xis. According 
rule for mini- 
or chooses the 
a model whose 
he highest one. 
ompleted as in 
$e gi W^ p(Mi|YC=9) > p(Mo|Y 79) 
DT equas otherwise 
where Zi. are data vectors corresponding to 7; ;. Following 
the Bayesian framework used in our paper and choosing uni- 
form a priori model in the absence of contrary information, 
»( M;|YC7D) » p(YU-U|M,;), the simultaneous conditional 
probability density can be evaluated from 
AY CC) = 
[ [vo meatus o oan += (20) 
Under the already assumed conditional pixel independence, 
the analytical solution has the form 
à "1 ating 
p( MiYU79) s k [Vi ua3| 3 Aue oi wll) 
where k is a common constant. To evaluate MM; ID), 
we have to use a similar approximation (18) as for the pre- 
dictor (10). All statistics related to a model Mi (15), (16), 
(17), (21) are computed from data on one side of the recon- 
structed line while symmetrical statistics of the model M» 
are computed from the opposite side. 
The solution of (21) uses the following notations: 
WA OT, (22) 
Aii m Vou) 7 Voute=1) Ven Vauts-1) (23) 
The determinant |V(;)| as well as A; can be evaluated recur- 
sively see [Haindl, 1992]: 
Val = Ve Ze Via Ze), (24) 
Ac m Aca + (Yi — PT 
(Y - BE AZ)Yür ziv Any. (25) 
In the case when some data necessary for the approximation 
are missing the corresponding model probability is set to zero 
»(MiY*?)zo. (26) 
If the reconstructed line is located in a boundary image area 
then the reconstruction algorithm uses only one model (one 
of the model probabilities is permanently zero). 
Let as assume that all spectral components of the multi- 
spectral line are missing. Such a multi-spectral line can be 
modelled using a multi-dimensional regression model: 
Y, ) AY; + Fy; (27) 
where {= (m,n); Y; is v x1 reconstructed multi-spectral 
pixel value, A; are unknown v x v model parameters 
matrices, E; is the white noise vector. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Parameter vector P7 (5) become now the » x fv matrix: 
PTS Ag (28) 
B* 2 vcardl, = vf (29) 
Zi (T) isthe 8* data vector, Vo become a positive definite 
(8* --v) x (8* --») matrix and 4(0) » 8* —2 . Equations 
(7)-(26) remain unchanged and can be used for the multi- 
dimensional prediction and optimal multi-dimensional model 
selection (19),(21) as well. 
If A; = diag[a1x,..., av] Vi then the multi-dimensional 
model reconstruction is identical with separately applied 
single-dimensional model reconstruction G on every spectral 
line component. 
The reconstruction model in sections 2 and 3 was devel- 
oped under the assumption that model parameters are strictly 
location-invariant. This assumption is not realistic for most 
real image reconstruction problems. The Bayesian solution of 
the case of location-variant parameters is given by equation 
p( Pi Ord lY O?) = ] [0 oan acm 
p( A, 0; * IY (OYd Pd! (30) 
Unfortunately the required conditional distribution for this re- 
cursion p(Pi41, Q7, |, Q7, Y(?) is seldom known. Usual 
solution of this problem is the constant exponential forget- 
ting. It increases the uncertainty of the old parameter esti- 
mate by a constant factor equal for all data. This results in 
modification of equations (17),(24),(25) see [Haindl, 1996] 
for details. 
The exponential forgetting permanently loses old informa- 
tion even if there is lack of a new one (parameters re- 
main unchanged in some directions). Some ideas to over- 
come this insufficiency were suggested in [Hägglund, 1983], 
[Kulhavy, 1993]. We propose another solution based on di- 
rectional forgetting coefficients to control individually every 
data item [Y;.; : i € L]^ forgetting depending on the 
corresponding directional derivation change, i.e. 
o min(| 22, |.) 
6 ói 
= ie : (31) 
max {| 241,12) 
If there is no change in the direction ? then o; — 1 (no 
data forgetting), otherwise o; « 1 and the increase of 
old information uncertainty is proportional to the directional 
change of the derivation. 
Let us denote the matrix of directional forgetting parameters 
Q1 SEL 0 
zl uoi. Mu : 
aw s © ; (32) 
0 sut At hu 
ay z diag[a1, .:.,o,] 
Os m diag[au ki teret] ie 

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