Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

jectral | 
ed * and the 
trograph image 
ry 1000 - 2000 
olar radio emis- 
6 channels (the 
grey level range 
ie radiospectro- 
cultural type of 
sub-scene from 
the TM1 band 
o xk * 
ral image Fig.3 
located in the 
X 0. t 
al scene from 
* o * * 
uction results. 
nal forgetting) 
th the regres- 
getting factor” 
of our method 
nonstrates iso- 
is no need for 
with complete 
und better es- 
nodel parame- 
side, on the 
method | TM | SPOT 
A 53 2.75 
B 49 1.5 
C 48 1.9 
G 37 0.9 
H 33 0.7 
H 26 0.4 
Table 2: Multispectral line reconstruction. 
remaining examples the optimal side is oscillating so single 
model method cannot reach performance of the double-model 
method G even if repeated on both corresponding sides. 
Table 2 shows multi-spectral line reconstruction results. The 
regression model is again superior over the classical methods 
applied separately on every missing spectral component line. 
The multi-dimensional model has v? times more parameters 
than the single-dimensional model and so it is more sensitive 
to overparametrization resulting in degraded model perfor- 
mance. Equation (20) is again used for the optimal model 
structure selection, but in this case 1 z 87 so ki # k» 
in (21). 
The results of our test are encouraging. The proposed 
methods were always the best ones in all our experiments. 
The advantage of the regression-type method increases with 
an increasing number of correlated spectral bands but even 
on monospectral images (the radiospectrograph and SPOT 
panchromatic examples) it is also the best one. 
Applying the presented reconstruction method in the radio- 
spectrograph image reconstruction problem, we obtained im- 
ages without missing lines or pixels. These reconstructed 
radiospectrograms were successfully used for the evaluation 
of the observation of fast drift bursts during the solar activ- 
ity. While the former practice was to discard such unusable 
radiospectrograms with the unfortunate consequence of dis- 
ruption of observation series. 
We have not seen any other scheme for correcting image 
defects ( off colour stripe, colour gaps, horseshoe effect ) ap- 
plying the regression method. The advantage of the present 
method | over our previously published regression method 
G [Haindl, 1992] with constant exponential forgetting lies 
in more precise parameter estimation and consequently the 
model prediction - reconstruction quality improvement. 
Our method can also be used if more than one of the 
monospectral line components is missing. In this case the 
reconstruction is done with the multi-dimensional model (H) 
with dimensionality v equal to the number of missing spec- 
tral line components. Alternatively, the single-dimensional 
model can be applied repeatedly to all missing monospectral 
lines. Single-dimensional model results are worse than the 
multi-dimensional model ones but the model structure opti- 
mization is easier. It is also possible to combine the multi- 
dimensional model with the directional forgetting concept. 
The algorithm can be used to remove scratches as well if it 
is applied sequentially on linear parts of a scratch. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Finally if the method is used for isolated image pixels recon- 
struction then the predictor and similarly the model probabil- 
ity expression do not need any data approximation and the 
regression method performs better than for line reconstruc- 
tion and much better than any of the classical methods. 
The proposed method is fully adaptive, numerically robust 
and still with moderate computation complexity so it can be 
used in an on-line image acquisition system. 
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