Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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) dL (m) 
) 0.075 
) 0.058 
| 0.049 
n of the vector 
fected by the 
1 easily vary at 
ic accuracy is 
also a factor that must be taken into account, particularly 
as some of the targets were badly blurred. 
Additionally, these analysed frames were over exposed 
due to a fault in the internal mechanism of the UMK. 
Knowledge of this factor possibly explains the position 
discrepancy of 0.9cm between frames 3 1a and 3 1b. 
To explain the difference between the vector offset 
accuracy (dL) for the two separate frames it is necessary 
to look at the standard errors of the NOTF software L1 
carrier phase solution. It can be seen that the standard 
errors are higher for x,y and z in the case of frame 4 4, 
corresponding to the greater offset vector. In good 
geometric conditions, NOTF has been shown to 
comfortably resolve the ambiguities for positioning at the 
2cm level. Unfortunately, the satellite geometry during the 
evaluation trial was adversely affected by the building 
| Frame | ox (m) | ey (m) | ez tm ] 
| 31 [| 0.0397 | 0.0197 | 0.0348 | 
| 44 | 0.0460 | 0.0250 | 0.0439 | 
Table 2 - Standard Errors for NOTF L1 Carrier Phase 
Solution at Exposure Station. 
In summary it is clear that the new integrated system 
performs significantly better than the previous one. The 
evaluation trial was not perfect in that the photography 
was over-exposed due to a fault in the internal 
mechanism, and the satellite geometry was obscured by 
the height of the building facade. However, the trial 
objectives had still been met successfully. 
As part of the planning of a final flight trial, it was felt that 
some combined block estimation work with simulated 
GPS data should be undertaken. The photographic data 
was from the 15 frame initial evaluation trial undertaken in 
March 1994 (Smith and Joy, 1995a). All measured points 
were targets to represent typical control points. Targets 
were also used at the minor control points since the field 
surface was ‘soft’. The raw GPS data was simulated from 
the positions provided from a fully controlled 
photogrammetric block, with information on the satellite 
geometry provided from the IGS precise ephemeris. 
Configuration Unknown Point Standard Errors (mm) 
Centre 3.0 3.0 4.1 
Centre+Left 3.0 2.9 3.8 
Centre+Right 3.2 3.0 4.3 
Full Block 2.9 2.9 3.7 
Conventional kinematic OTF processing was then used to 
obtain exposure station coordinates. 
The data processing was performed with the in-house 
software TABBY (its name does not serve as an 
acronym) running on an SGI Indigo Workstation. TABBY 
is a combined GPS Bundle Estimation program written by 
the author during the period of research and has 
undergone a suitable level of testing prior to operational 
use. The familiar collinearity equations are used 
alongside observation equations for the antenna-phase 
centre offset vector. Control points are introduced as 
weighted observations because of the precision required 
by the application. For this adjustment work, the vector 
offset was held fixed in magnitude in the observation 
equations and no self-calibration or drift parameters were 
estimated. The primary aim was to quantify the effect of 
adding phase centre observations into a bundle 
estimation in the simplest manner possible. 
A Priori estimates for the control standard errors were 
entered as +0.005m in plan and +0.002m height. The a 
priori image coordinate standard error was 3um. Table 3 
shows positional standard errors for both the control and 
the unknown points in the photographic test field resulting 
from processing of several strip combinations. No GPS 
positions were used, just as in a traditional 
photogrammetric block. These results are an update from 
those in Smith and Joy (1995a) and show that the control 
point standard errors are significantly improved in plan 
and marginally in height for all cases. 
It can be seen that there is an improvement in precision 
by the addition of photographic strips, with control points 
consistently of a higher precision to the unknown points. 
The Centre+Right block is poor because of blurring 
dictating observation of fewer points. In further 
discussions this configuration will be ignored as the 
Centre+Left block is more representative of the precision 
increase that would be expected. 
GPS antenna coordinates were then entered in the 
estimation under 4 distinct control configurations. These 
were GPS with no ground control, GPS with 4 full 3D 
control points in the corners of the block, GPS with the 
same 4 points plus 6 height points, GPS with the full 
control configuration, and the values from Table 3 (no 
GPS used) for comparison. The average standard error 
for the antenna phase centre positions was 0.5cm plan 
and 0.7cm height (discussed at the end of this section). 
Control Point Standard Errors (mm) 
2:6 2.6 1.8 
2.6 2.6 1.8 
2.6 27 1.8 
2.5 2.6 1.8 
Table 3 - Conventional Bundle Estimation On Pontefract Test Field. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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