Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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The precision of the antenna coordinates was derived 
from a comparison with the true values. Unfortunately, 
these simulated coordinates were of an unrealistic 
precision. The simulated data was immune to multipath, 
geometric effects and cycle slips that would be expected 
in real flight, giving the results limited physical meaning. 
The analysis was extended to investigate how the ground 
point precision was affected by gradually reducing the 
precision of the antenna coordinates (between the range 
1cm - 5cm at 0.5 cm intervals). This showed results from 
using more realistic antenna coordinate precisions. Three 
control point configurations were used, namely no control 
points, 4 full 3D control points in the corners of the block, 
and 4 full control plus 6 height control points within the 
Height SE (mm) 
No GPS Used 15 25 35 45 
GPS Precision (cm) 
Figure 4 - Effect Of Antenna Precision Degredation On 
Unknown Point Height Precision (Three Control 
Figure 4 shows how the antenna precision effects the 
overall height precision of the unknown points measured 
in the block. The same data was used throughout the 
analysis under the three afore mentioned control 
configurations, with only the antenna coordinate/SE file 
being altered for each estimation. It is clear that the 
degredation causes a near-linear degredation of precision 
when no ground control is used within the photographic 
block. By comparison, the controlled blocks do not show 
such a marked degredation. It is not clear from Figure 4 
what the relationship is between the other two 
configurations. To investigate this further we must look at 
Figure 5a) and b) where the no control strategy has not 
been plotted. 
As would be expected, the configuration with the least 
height control is most susceptable to antenna precision 
degredation. When height control is used throughout, the 
precision degredation of the heights of the unknown 
points is minimal between the range 2cm - 5cm. Even at 
5cm antenna precision, the contribution to the estimation 
process is still a positive one. The configuration using 
only 4 Full 3D control points shows a clear degredation by 
comparison. However, this is still a sub-millimetric 
difference between each 0.5cm antenna precision 
Figure 5 shows that the height precision of the control 
points degrades in a similar manner under both 
configurations. The use of additional height control 
appears only to transpose the line to a higher precision 
6. Further Combined Estimation Work 
The simulations discussed here have concentrated on the 
high precision end of antenna coordinates. This work is 
now being extended to investigate the properties of this 
degredation from 5cm precision down to 15cm precision. 
Also, in addition to these estimations, work is now 
progressing into simulations of different flying heights, 
flying strategies and control configurations for a longer 
photographic flight. The data for this work is being 
completely simulated, using knowledge of the real 
properties of photogrammetric data at this scale. The 
GPS data simulation can be improved in a way which will 
allow the investigation of how satellite geometry affects 
the final bundle coordinates and standard errors. 
je = 4 Full 3D + Heig! 
Height SE (mm) 
a uices» messe, emer 
pu d wem co TO 
-- * 
No GPS Used 15 25 35 45 
GPS Precision (cm) 
\ Pot i i i 2 E [== =4 Full 3D 
(m p nt 
Helght SE (mm) 
[— —^FuisD ^ | 
|—0 = 4 Full 3D + Height 
No GPS Used 15 25 35 45 
GPS Precision (cm) 
Figure 5 - Effect of GPS Antenna Coordinate Precision Degredation On (a) Unknown (b) Control Point Height SE Under 
Two Different Control Strategies. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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