Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

For a start, standard segmentation algorithms are investi- 
gated. Some examples are watershed [3], zero crossing [4], 
and region growing [5], that deliver region tokens directly. 
Region growing can be performed with multiple input images 
so that the segmentation can be based on several bands 
of satellite imagery. The performance is improved further 
by combining these methods with pure edge detection 
algorithms, e.g. Canny [5], Burns, Gradient Edge, etc. It 
turns out that these methods are quite suitable for the 
segmentation task and deliver good results. 
A region growing algorithm with adaptive thresholding was 
employed to obtain figure 2. Let £ be a fixed threshold value 
indicating where a region stops to grow. Adaptive threshold- 
ing modifies the threshold tadaptive dynamically according to 
the mean m and standard deviation c of the region as it 
is being grown. The modification equation is based on an 
algorithm by Levine and Shaheen [6] and is given by: 
tadaptive = t - (1 — min(0.8, 29 (1) 
the adaptive threshold £5455:. Will never be larger 
than the value £ but can be much smaller. This method 
prevents "bleeding" across slow image gradients (see [6],[2]). 
Ultimately, "pure" spectral signatures of the region tokens 
have to be calculated. Region tokens consist of boundary 
pixels and interior pixels. Interior pixels provide pure inten- 
sity values for the acquisation of the signatures, whereas 
boundary pixels (4- or 8-adjacent to pixels outside the region 
token) are most likely mixed pixels, which falsify the spectral 
signatures. The problem of mixed pixels is a severe one if 
the average size of region tokens is not much larger than 
the pixel size, thus, having only few interior pixels with pure 
signatures. In this case, there will be a very high percentage 
of mixed pixels. lt is therefore necessary to apply spatial 
subpixel analysis. 
The mean pixel value of regions is determined from the in- 
terior pixels. In case of regions with few interior pixels, the 
boundary pixels are used to compute the mean pixel value. 
Additionally, a reliability index r for each region is made avail- 
T= Amized? (2) 
where AP“"° is the area of pure pixels and A”*°* the area of 
mixed pixels. Before spatial subpixel analysis is applied, r is 
equivalent to the ratio between interior pixels and boundary 
pixels. r is modified dynamically as mixed pixels are subpixel 
There are several approaches to deal with the mixed pixel 
problem (see [7],[8],[9],[10],[11]). In this contribution, 
“edgels” are applied to obtain spatial subpixel information 
for digital images of scenes built up of homogenous regions 
delimited by edgel chains. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Edgels are tokens defined by the following features: 
e point location at subpixel accuracy, 
e gradient magnitude (Several kernels, e.g. Roberts, 
Prewitt, Sobel with dimension 3 x 3 or 5 x 5 are pos- 
sible for computing the gradient.), 
e gradient angle, indicating the direction of the gradient. 
Edgel detection is based on the following criteria: 
e high gradient magnitude, above a specified threshold, 
e locally maximal gradient magnitude in the gradient di- 
Edge detection is performed at each pixel. If an edgel is found 
(i.e. the gradient magnitude is above a specified threshold), 
the location is determined to subpixel accuracy along the 
gradient direction. 
Edgels adjacent according to some metric are then linked 
to "edgel chains" (i. e. open polygons, see also figure 3). 
Parameters such as the angle between an edgel gradient and 
the link to an adjacent edgel, the angle between gradients, 
as well as the link length of adjacent edgels are used in the 
chaining algorithm. 
Once the edgel chains are determined, every triple of con- 
secutive edgels in a chain (the edgels i — 1,4,i + 1 for 
i— 2,---n —1, n is the number of edgels in a chain) are 
used to produce a least mean square error line segment fitted 
to these edgle triples. The error distance is measured by the 
normal distance from the edgels to the line. The endpoints 
of the line fit are the maximum extents of the projections of 
the edgels onto the line. The midpoint of these line segments 
is used to obtain the coordinates of a pixel. If this pixel is 
a boundary pixel of a region, it is subject to spatial subpixel 
analysis (see figure 4). 
The mixed pixel value 
p= fıpı + f2p2 (3) 
is considered a linear combination of different signatures of 
two adjacent regions as separated by the edgel chain (or line 
segment). f; and f» are the area portions of the mixed pixel. 
The line segment as described above delivers the parameters 
to determine fi, f». lt is reasonable to use mean pixel values, 
m1, ma, of the two regions adjacent to the mixed pixel for 
computing the values p;. If the values m; have high reliability, 
i.e. the reliability index r is high, the mean intensity values 
cannot be corrected. If both m; are of low reliability then the 
mixed pixel is marked for further processing. However, if one 
mi is of low reliability, then a correction of the mean intensity 
values can be achieved. Let m the mean pixel value of the 
region with higher reliability. p; is then replaced by mi. po 
is calculated according to the above mentioned relationship 
pa = ccm (4) 

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