Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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Spatial Temporal 
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Figure 1: Three components of a spatio-temporal object 
Logical modelling is the bridge to link the conceptual 
models and physical data models. One of the most 
important models at this level is the relational data 
model, which is used by relational database 
management systems to implement conceptual 
models in computerized databases. However, 
object-oriented database management systems 
attract more attention recently as they have 
advantages over relational data models. 
This section will concern the implementation of data 
models by applying the object-oriented approaches 
proposed above. The paper distinguishes a loosely- 
coupled method and a tightly-coupled method. The 
three characteristics of objects are tightly linked in 
the first case. It means these three characteristics of 
an object are stored together under the same 
identifier. In the second case, the geometric, 
attribute and temporal characteristics of objects are 
loosely linked. They can be stored separately, e.g. 
in different files or in different DBMSs. The objects 
can be represented as random combinations of 
these three characteristics. The first approach 
provides a tool to extract the change of an object as 
a whole. It may not be easy to identify the changes 
happened to which of the three aspects. The second 
method is convenient to organize the objects which 
frequently change in all three aspects: i.e., the 
spatial, temporal or attribute aspects. It is not easy 
to quickly query the situation of a specific object. 
Several examples are given in the following section 
to illustrate these two approaches. 
4.1 A Tightly-Coupled Approach 
A time-based approach is selected to implement a 
unified and tightly-coupled spatio-temporal model in 
(Cheng et al, 1995) The following steps are 
proposed for the physical implementation of the 
conceptual model: 
(1) Set up lists to store the identifiers of objects 
existing at time t1 (assuming t1 is the base state), 
according to different object classes (i.e. body, 
surface, line and point); 
(2) Set up a “history-list” for each object, keeping 
the temporal topology for each object; 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
(3) Set up dynamic linked list to represent the spatial 
composition of the object, keeping spatial topology at 
the same time. 
Body Class 
T1 Bi B2 ..., Bn 
T2 B1.B2 .... Bn 
Tn B1 B2 ... Bn 
B1 |B1,1|B1,2] ... | Bt,k| 
des 5s 
B1,1 [attribute] S1,1 ... S1,k1 
|_»|B1,2 [attribute] S1,2 ... S1k1 
B1,k [attribute] S1,k ... S1,kk 
Figure 2: A tightly-coupled approach 
The structure of the data model can be illustrated in 
Figure 2. Such a data structure will have the following 
(1) It is a unified representation of spatial, temporal and 
attribute information of 4-D geographic objects; 
(2 The geometric and temporal topological 
relationships are explicitly recorded. It is convenient for 
topological queries about spatial and temporal aspects 
within and between objects; 
(3) The changes of the objects are recorded explicitly, 
which makes it easy to detect changes along time. 
Using the tightly-coupled approach, however, it is not 
easy to reduce the data redundancy for both geometric 
and attribute aspects. The model shown in Figure 2 
provides an effective storage for geometric data while it 
might have high redundancy in attribute aspects. 
4.2 Loosely-Coupled Approach 
Yuan (1995) put forward a spatio-temporal data 
model to manage wildfire information. It has three 
domains of semantics, time and space. The data 
model is shown in Figure 3. The semantic domain 
consists of wildfire's concrete or abstract concepts 
of aspatial and atemporal properties, such as 
names of individual fire events, fire intensity, fire 
types, or forest stands. The temporal domain 
consists of temporal objects of points and lines, 
which represent instance time and time intervals 
respectively. The temporal domain supports 
analysis and reasoning, such as fire frequency or 
fire cycles. The spatial domain is composed of 
spatial objects of points, lines, polygons, cells, and 
volumes. Each of them represents zero-, one-, or 
three- dimensional spatial units. It was suggested 
that each domain could have its own database 
management system (DBMS) for data storage, 

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