Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ch (CRERA), 1 (2), 
+ Hierarchies and 
disation so difficult”. 
+ Hierarchies and 
Standardisation so 
vol. 6, No 3. 
Into The Theory Of 
Modelling In Geo- 
Department of Land- 
eningen Agricultural 
"Delta-X Federated 
iem". Proceedings of 
on System for data 
n, Ottawa, Canada. 
(eds) Vol 30 No. 2. 
nsing sector, natural 
icia-solaco M., 1993 
es in Interoperable 
IP WG2.6 Database 
le Database Systems 
20 November, David 
n Sacks-Davis (eds), 
. Metadata Approach 
ceedings of the 17th 
arge Databases, pp. 
Detection and extraction of complex map symbols 
Ruedi Boesch 
Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) 
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland 
e-mail: ruedi.boesch ? wsl.ch 
Working Group III/2 
Key words: cartography, discrimination, extraction, shape descriptors, triangulation, vectorisation 
The problem of extracting distinct map symbols from raster maps will be addressed in this paper. To enable natural scientists to 
analyse the nation-wide distribution of natural objects such as avalanche obstructions, dry channels, tree groups, a semi-automatic 
method has been developed to detect specific symbols from scanned topographic maps. The Swiss Federal Instituteof Forest Snow 
And Landscape Research (WSL) uses the published map scale 1:25‘000 of the Swiss Federal Office of Topography (L+T). 
After labelling and tracing the binarised raster data, shape descriptors like area, perimeter, moments, elongation, eccentricity, skele- 
tons, Euler number and Fourier descriptors are calculated and stored in an image symbol database. In an interactive process, the 
user defines the best fitting discrimination parameters based on the shape descriptor values. A local Hough transformation im- 
proves the detection rate for line symbols such as found for avalanche obstacles. 
Shape descriptors allow to identify map symbols like single trees, observation towers and triangulation. To detect complex map 
symbols such as dry channels or avalanche obstacles, a distance-weighted triangulation is used to build a tetrahedron-like data 
structure called tetra-tree. The tetra-tree allows to analyse and classify the spatial distribution of the primitives found with shape 
descriptors. Generalised orientation and the convex hull of complex map symbols can be calculated directly from tetra-trees. 
Some implementation details and generic limitations will be discussed. 
1. Introduction 
Landscape ecologists, biologists and geographers need data 
about the existence, frequency and spatial distribution of 
specific objects contained on maps or aerial images. Such ob- 
jects include single trees, bushes, hedges, forest edges, dry 
channels, tree nurseries, orchards or avalanche obstructions 
(Figures 1a-1c). The map symbols for these can be defined as 
aggregations of simple symbols such as points, lines, circles 
and rectangles and are termed complex map symbols. 
Major efforts have been made in the past to detect map sym- 
bols [Báhr 1995, Lin 1994, Stengele 1995, Weber 1988]. In 
most projects the methods of recognition are based on the 
scanned map as a whole. Different types of lines and their re- 
lated topology, houses and text labels are of major interest to 
Figure 1a: avalanche obstacles - 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Natural objects such as forest, bushes or terrain-related map 
symbols are often neglected or have less priority. Fully auto- 
matic map vectorisation remains still to be achieved [Lütjen 
1987, Meyer 1993] and general pattern recognition on maps 
will therefore remain a major research topic for the next years. 
Currently, methods for the acquisition of complex map sym- 
bols are mainly basedon interactive definition or manual digi- 
Figure 1b: dry channels 

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