Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

tural state and 
vity, e; and e» are 
s described as the 
Fa) 0 
e discontinuities 
m is a measure of 
fectiveness). The 
of stretching and 
tion of the set of 
ergy of the curve 
/ersion we get is 
^B (u)) ] 
" (9)Bi" (uj)] 
1.2 nnt; 1.40) 
used to solve the 
ed matrix (mxm). 
e inversion is m 
es, the following 
the desired road 
Iman filter using 
T; indicates the 
the trajectory. 
lines in the first 
delineated by the 
, à corresponding 
nt is denoted by 
‚een the positions 
ector TiTi +1 from 
on one by one. A 
te centerline is 
| N | 
| > g | 
3 (N " | 
d 0 tés x dass | 
| i 
| | 
Vehicle trajectory 
T;: the position of exposure station 
Figure 1. Generation of a 3D approximate shape model 
— Projection between the 
stereo pair T; d 
op M model and the image 
€ sampling point E] control vertex 
o extracted point from image pair (T;.1) 
extracted point from image pair (T;) 
extracted point from image pair (Ti+1) 
Figure 2(b). External force field 
4. Apply an algorithm of B-splines approximation to these data 
points S; (i=0,1,2,...) and then an approximate 3D shape model 
of road centerlines is set up (denoting in dotted line, figure 1). 
5. Since the orientation parameters of the camera stations are 
known, the shape model can be back projected on the 
sequential image (figure 2a). At least two consecutive stereo 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
image pairs covering the same segment along the model are 
6. The extraction and matching of road centerline features on 
these images are conducted based on the image projection of 
the model. Section 4 will describe an algorithm on model 
driven extraction and matching of road centerline features. At 
the end of this step, 3D points associated with image features 
of road centerlines are obtained. In figure 2b, The symbols 
marked by “o“, “A“ and “x“ represent the 3D points obtained 
by the feature extraction and matching from images. As can be 
seen, it looks like a deformable curve placed in a force field. 
Each point in the field acts a force on the curve and deforms 
the curve. We will define these forces (external forces) in 
section 3.5 
7. The internal and external energy for the curve segments 
from S; to S;+3 are calculated. The final shape of these 
segments is determined by solving the motion equations 
described in section 3.3. 
8. Move to the next station (e.g., 5; > S;-;). Repeat the process 
from the step 5 to 7. The shape model is thus deformed 
incrementally, driven by the successive images. The final result 
of the deformation of the model is a 3D centerline shape when 
the last sequential image pair 1s processed. 
3.5. Definition of External Energy 
The external energy plays a key role in pushing the model into 
the desired position. As shown in figure 2b (2D illustration), 
there are forces between extracted points P and the curve 
points Q(u) . In order to quantify this kind of energy, we apply 
a gravity-type field to describe 1t. The reason 1s that the closer 
the distance between the points, the greater the force. To avoid 
the singulanty when the distance is approaching zero, we 
employ the following function in quantifving the external 
Eext = f(Dp/ ry) (8) 
and the above f(x) 1s defined as: 
[x?. rı> De 
feodum r<Dp<r (9) 
| 0, r2< Dp 
where D, ||Q(u)P||, the distance between Q(u) and P, r; and rz 
are the coefficients representing the range of the influence of 
the point to the curve. r;-0.I(meter) and ry/r;=3 are chosen 
according to the system accuracy. Thus f(x) acts like a spring 
when the point is close to the curve (D,<r;) and makes no 
effect when D,-r;. The corresponding external force can be 
Feu = VEen = f'(Dp/r1)/ ri (10) 
Considering the historic effect of forces, the total Fe becomes 
Fa oW (Tii) + OFT) is @3Fext(T +1) (1 1) 
Again, &;, 0? and «s are weighting coefficients. During the 
process of the iterative solution for equations (7), the Feu of 
each point Q(u) along the model should be calculated 
repeatedly until the motion equations reach a converge state. 

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