. c) Height map
:ture are placed
cape model re-
al images. The
tics: roads are
hibit a continu-
p was inserted.
km x 2km) con-
texture map of
of the scene in
phic computer.
Fig. 7: Synthesized view of landscape model with continuous roads and elevated forests
The presented system exploits prior knowledge about the
scene to improve the realism of the model. The explicit
knowledge representation with semantic nets and rules eases
the adaptation of the knowledge base to new tasks. The ad-
vantage of the system is that the knowledge can constrain the
model parameters and select object specific surface primi-
tives. Occluded object parts and lost details due to image res-
olution are added to obtain a consistent model. Modelling
takes care of what is important for a realistic impression of a
human observer, e.g. planar roads and height steps at forest
Further work will focus on the development of the control for
interpretation and exploit multiple sensors and especially
prior interpretations of the scene represented in the german
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