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From the most generic point of view, the set of possible
object recognition procedures can be separated into two
principal groups: methods that use the object comparison
and methods that do not use it.
This distinction is easy to show for the case of the feature-
based object classification. Methods of closest neighbors
based on the comparison of the each new vector that
characterizes the object with some sample vectors that
characterize known object classes. A corresponding
distance or a closeness measure is computed here to be a
criterion of classification. So, the reliability of object
recognition (detection) is determined by the comparison of
the objects in some metric space. On the other hand, the
statistical classificators immediately use the probability
distribution functions to estimate the reliability of object
classification. Some set of samples can be used at the
training stage but at the stage of decision making any
comparison with samples is not of use.
The most important limitation of the comparison-based
methods is that we can compare only the objects of the
same type (two images, two contours, two vectors, two wire
models and so on). So, we can not compare the image and
the model.
In our opinion, the most powerful comparison-based
detection technique is the Pytiev's morphological analysis
(Stepanov at al, 1994) that really provides the
invariantness of object detection. Due to this it
demonstrates the possibilities and disadvantages of
comparison-based methods with great expression. The
main idea of Pytiev's morphology is the following. Let the
images will be the elements of some Hilbert space IM-12.
So, one can speak about an image norm |Im|| and a
distance between the images |ml-Im2|. Let also some
convex and closed image set ZeIM is given. Then for any
image ImeIM there is the unique image Im'eZ such that
l[Im'-Im||-min||Im"-Im||, Im" eZ. It is easy to see that this
mapping v(Im):Im->Z is a projecting operator in the
(algebraical) sense that v(v(Im))=v(Im). So, we can note
Im'=Pr7(Im), i.e. Im' is the projection of Im onto the Z.
Using the image projection notion some special closeness
measure K(Im,Z) (the morphological correlation
coefficient) can be defined. It is analogous to the usual
and has the following useful properties: 1) 02K(Im,Z)21,
ImeIM, ZeIM; 2) (K(Im,Z)=1) <=> (ImeZ).
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
The basic advantages of the morphological correlation
coefficient are connected with the possible full account of
the registration conditions. Let the registration model is
described by some transform seS where S is a semigroup
of transforms and the object model is M={ImM} (object is
described by its' sample). The Pytiev's morphological
shape of any image Im will be Zim={Im'=s(Im),seS}. So,
the morphological correlation coefficient
Kç(Im',Im)=K(Im',ZTm) provides the correct comparison
between any test image Im' and the given sample Im=ImM
under the condition of transformation seS.
For instance, let consider the generic model of radiometric
distortions. In the formal way any image is a 2D-function
of intensity distribution and can be represented as f(x,y)=2
(a;xx;(<,y)), where x; is an indicator of the i-th region of
the cadre tesselation and a; is a color (intensity value) of
this region. So, the set of images "of the same shape" has a
Z={f"(x,y)=Z(bjxx;(x.y)), V{b;}}.
Then the projecting transform is a parametric one and has
the form: b;=b(a;), where i=0..C-1; C is a number of colors
in the image. For any image g(x,y) the projection Pry(g) is
defined by the parameter vector b g
=. Kid xy) dxdy), i=1..C-1,
that is easy to compute. Since the parameters of projection
are computed the morphological correlation coefficient
K(g.f) is computed immediately.
So, we see that the Pytiev's morphology decides the
problem of the invariant object detection in the case of
object model M={ImM} under the regular registration
model S. However, when the model M does not satisfy any
special conditions, computation of the Pry (Im) is too hard
because we need to compare the test image Im with the
each element Im' from M to find the closest one.
Consider this problem applying to non-comparison-based
techniques. The simple example is a classic pattern
analysis using Hough Transform (Houle and Malowany,
Let the set of images to be analyzed is a set of planar dot
patterns and it is required to detect all straight patterns in
it. The straight pattern here means the sub pattern that
contains a number of points that lie on the same straight
line. It is very fuzzy and flexible model M because neither
the number nor the location of points on the line is not
defined. So, we can not use any sample here. The
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