Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

of each selected segment. These segments of the refined seg- 
mentation form the basis for the extraction of the buildings' 
2D information, whereas the height information is derived by 
analysing the height information within the segments and the 
related bounding box without segments. Figure 1 shows an 
overview of the building detection using the ISPRS test data 
set FLAT as example. 
The use of a geometric criterion to distinguish between build- 
ings and other objects higher than the topographic surface is 
not always sufficient. Therefore, other criteria using other 
sources of information have to be used, e.g. texture in- 
formation [Eckstein and Munkelt, 1995] or edge information 
[Baltsavias et al., 1995] from aerial imagery. This informa- 
tion can also and — depending on the application — should 
already be applied during the DSM generation. 
The building reconstruction of our approach is based on the 
use of parametric and prismatic building models. Parametric 
models are used for simple separated buildings, which can be 
described by a few parameters, e.g. a building with a symmet- 
rically sloped roof, whereas prismatic models (ground plan 
and height information) including generic knowledge about 
regularities (e.g. orthogonalities, parallelisms, collinearities) 
are used for complex buildings or building blocks. 
4.1 Parametric Building Models 
In our approach we use two different parametric models: flat 
buildings and buildings with a symmetric, sloped roof. The 
form parameters of these building models are the length, 
width and height for flat buildings, and length, width, height 
of eave-base and height of ridge-eave for buildings with a sym- 
metric, sloped roof, assuming that the ground plans of these 
buildings are given by rectangles. Furthermore, four param- 
eters are needed to describe the position and orientation of 
the building within the reference coordinate system. 
In order to determine the x,y coordinates of a building's ref- 
erence point and the orientation, the point of gravity and the 
orientation of each refined segment using the heights within 
the segments as weights are computed. The z coordinate of 
the reference point is computed taking the mean of heights 
within the background area of the bounding box. The param- 
eters length and width are the length and width of a rectangle 
approximating the segment and are computed along the first 
and second main axis of the segment. The height parame- 
ters are computed taking the height information in the orig- 
inal DSM into account. For this purpose, we use a ranking 
scheme, and use the median of the p% minimal and maximal 
values within the segments as robust estimation of the mini- 
mum and maximum, where p = 10 is choosen. The height of 
a flat building follows from the difference between the mean 
height of the segment and the mean height within the back- 
ground. For buildings with symmetric sloped roofs the height 
parameters are computed as: heightl = difference between 
the estimated minimum height of the segment and the mean 
height of the background; height2 = difference between the 
estimated maximum and minimum within the segment. 
The parameters of the parametric models are computed for 
each detected segment. In [Weidner and Forstner, 1995], we 
selected the model which is used for the description using 
a geometric criterion, namely the slope of the roof. This 
approach seems to be feasible for the selection of the para- 
Extraction of closed contours 
Elimination of discretization noise 
Local application of MDL 
Polygon after 
local processing 
Derivation of hypotheses about regularities 
Determination of a set of linear 
independent hypotheses 
Global robust estimation 
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Figure 3: Building Reconstruction: Prismatic Models 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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