The time consumed in step LR1 is evidently not
great than LT. Let T, be the time needed for a
comparison related to precision control. In fact, in
application, the average number of objects a buck-
et holds is not great than 10,so,from step LR5,the
time spent here is not more than 10 T... Let the el-
ement number of B Set ( Obj,) at. step LRI be m
initially. the time for this algorithm can be evalu-
ated as follow; LRT —LT --m * l0* T,—n*PT
+ 10m * T. If the query precision is at first level,
then T,,— 0, in this situation, the time complexity
is only O( n) . Obviously, mxczM xN ,usually , m «
«n and T, «PT , so the time complexity of this
algorithm is O (n).
Space Complexity: From figure 3, we can see that
Ladex must keep a table with MxN buckets and
many a lot of lists that vary in length. Hence,
Ladex structure needs a lot of storage space. How-
ever ,because only the object identifier and its fea-
ture information are stored in the structure, the
storage needed by Ladex is significantly less then
that occupied by the large scale database itself. In
a sense, the storage overhead of Ladex can be ig-
nored in most applications.
4. 2 Experimental Results
Ladex is established on Map Databse Management
System MDB funded by Chinese Electronic Indus-
try Ministry. In MDB, users can define, store, ac-
cess and edit conventional data and complex spatial
data in a uniform format. Conventional data and
complex spatial data are tightly coupled at physical
level. We integrate Ladex with B"-tree (An im-
proved Bt-tree) in MDB, and the goal of quick
spatial retrieval is achieved successfully. The fol-
lowing is the performance evaluation approach.
The resolution of the tested maps is 10240x10240
in pixel. In fact, in many applications ‚a data space
with resolution of 10240x10240 in pixel has less
then 10000 objects. We designed a tool automati-
cally generate 100 maps with 100 geographic ob-
jects, 100 maps with 1000, 100 maps with 5000
and 100 maps with 5000 geographic objects respec-
tively. Each map has different number of point-
shaped objects (such as bridges and towers), dif-
ferent number of line-shaped objects (railways,
roads and so on) and different number of region-
shaped objects (such as plant fields and residential
areas). Every spatial object contain multiple con-
ventional attributes (such as order number , longi-
tude latitude , etc. ), the average is about 12. The
Evaluation indices are as follows (excluding the
drawing time) :
(1) Tqi: Average time retrieving all objects in a
whole map.
(2) Tqz: Average time retrieving all objects in a
region with arbitrary shape that takes one quarter
of a map in size.
(3) Tq: Average time retrieving one object in a
(4) Te: Average time creating Ladex for a whole
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
(b) Tp: Average time deleting Ladex for a com-
plete map.
(6) Tp;: Average time deleting index information
of all objects in a region with arbitrary shape that
occupy a quarter of a map in size.
(7) Tp: Average time deleting one object's index
information in Ladex.
Table 1 shows the experimental results at the 2nd
precision level in a CompaQ 486/33 personal com-
puter. From the results, we can see that most of
the performance indices are ideal, especially the
performance for search operation. This implies
that Ladex meets the needs of quick interactive
spatial query.
5 Advantages of Ladex
Ladex is a new spatial index mechanism quite dif-
ferent from R'*-tree. it has the following advan-
tages: |
(1) The number of buckets is fixed ,the structure
is simple and operation algorithms are efficient ;
(2) Can manage spatial objects with irregular
(3) Support various query types,and the query
range can be non-rectangle in shape. For instance,
retrieval of all towns with 15 kilometers along a
road (see figure 5) and search of all plant areas be-
tween 200 and 250 meters of altitude (refer to fig-
ure 6).
100 1000 5000 10000
Operations | Jndices objects | objects | objects | objects
To: 0. 80 2. 52 5. 40 9.20
Search To2 0. 42 1-21 2. 50 4.70
T os 0. 10 0. 13 0. 14 0. 18
Insertion Tc 5.23 58.67 | 311. 38 | 595. 40
Tpi 0. 46 1. 07 1. 52 1.95
Deletion Tp 2.28 3.435 5. 44 7.29
T» ] 0.12 [0:14 5010 10.19
Table 1: Performance Indices (in second)
—— 20m
Figure 5: a line query Figure 6: a region query