Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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information can be used to support the data revision pro- 
cess based on digital aerial photos, and a revision based 
on different digital maps. 
The following chapters will outline possible fields of inter- 
est, which can be supported by an automatic interpreta- 
tion of DLM. Our approach designing a knowledge based 
shell to be linked with an object oriented database depends 
on two key issues 
e which data model is used within the DLM ? 
e which collection of simple objects with correspond- 
ing methods seems to be adequate ? 
The automatic interpretation of digital landscape mod- 
els allows us to deduce information that is not explicitly 
stored in the data model itself. For the automatic produc- 
tion of thematic maps based on a given DLM (e.g. a map 
of industrial areas) a spatial and semantic analysis of the 
DLM objects is necessary. In the area of data revision the 
interpretation can be used to support : 
e a revision based on automatic image process- 
e arevision based on different databases of sim- 
ilar scale 
e a revision based on databases of different 
This topics will be described in the next sections. 
2.1 Image Processing 
Existing digital maps, which have to be updated, offer also 
prior information contents for data revision based on dig- 
ital aerial photographs. The geometry and thematics of a 
digital map can contribute much to solve the image inter- 
pretation problem, for instance to extract object attributes 
like shape, texture, size etc. from the imagery or to predict 
regions of interest for which alterations are to be expected, 
e.g. new housing estate. The link of the existing map and 
the aerial imagery is bidirectional which means, the sym- 
bolic scene description of a map is imported using an E/R 
model in the image space. Then questions of image in- 
terpretation can be answered, for instance, what type of 
features in the image is to be expected (shape, size, texture 
etc.). On the contrary extracted image features may rep- 
resent update map information, e.g. the boundary line of 
a street, the ring polygon of a house etc. This knowledge 
can be used to control further steps of processing. 
This kind of using spatial data as prior information re- 
quires matching techniques between image objects and dig- 
ital map objects. In particular the mapping of image ob- 
jects, which do not exist in the digital map, allows to de- 
duce implicit information like geometric or neighbourhood 
relations. With this implicit information we are able to set 
up hypotheses in the sense to interpret the image features 
in terms of real world objects. Therefore, we need oper- 
ations which match image features (lines, pixel regions, 
etc.) with existing vectorial map data. 
In [Haala & Anders 1996] the large scale database ALK 
is used to predict 3D building models for a 3D building 
reconstruction in digital aerial photos. Figure 2 shows 
constructed building hypotheses based on the shape and 
spatial relationships of the ground plans included in the 
ALK. Another approach for updating the ATKIS DLM 
200 database using satellite images is described in [Klaus- 
Jürgen Schilling, Thomas Vägtle, Peter Müfig 1994]. 
Figure 2: 3D building hypotheses based on the ALK 
2.2 Databases of Similar Scale 
If one class of spatial objects in a given DLM should be 
revised using another DLM, which contains the same kind 
of spatial objects in a more or less equal scale, one has to 
match both digital maps. The matching of two given vec- 
tor databases is also called Conflation, which comes from 
the Latin con flare meaning “blow together” [Maureen 
Lynch and Alan Saalfeld 1985]. After the matching process 
is carried out, it should be possible to detect differences 
between the two databases. Two basic problems occur 
within the matching of two digital maps 
e differences in accuracy of data capture (figure 3) 
e differences in data modelling of a spatial object 
(figure 4) 
which can be overcome the better the more implicit infor- 
mation can be used. In [Walter & Fritsch 1995] an ap- 
proach based on relational matching for the matching of 
ATKIS road-objects with GDF road-objects is described. 
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Figure 3: a) dataset A, b) dataset B of the same area, 
c) differences in the accuracy of data (after [Walter & 
Fritsch 1995]) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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