Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

the areas that previously had few or no measurements. On the 
other hand, the choice of points with not very good texture led to 
more blunders. Our blunder detection method rejected 4% of the 
points, and another 1.8% of the points were rejected by a second 
method for detection of DTM spikes based on robust statistics. 
The remaining points showed slightly more remaining errors 
than the first DTM. 
Using the first DTM and the ground to image PMFs an 
orthoimage was derived from the fore channel. Its planimetric 
accuracy was checked as explained in the previous section by the 
use of the GCPs and the parallaxes between the orthoimages of 
the fore and aft channels. Another possibility, that was not used 
here, is to derive new GCPs by finding corresponding points in 
the two orthoimages, projecting back in the original images and 
finding ground coordinates through a forward intersection. This 
procedure works even if the DTM used for the orthoimage 
generation is erroneous (see Baltsavias, 1996). 
The time required for the orthoimage generation (2.4 Mbytes) on 
a Sun Sparcstation 20 was 39 sec. For an orthoimage of the whole 
fore or aft channel ca. 3.5 min are required. An overlay of the 
orthoimage on the DTM is shown in Figure 1. 
The data set used for this test is limited. In addition, problems 
with the GCP identification and the high image noise make this 
test a bit more difficult than what should be expected with normal 
quality imagery. However, the great precautions that we took in 
the measurement of the image coordinates of the GCPs and the 
image preprocessing lead to the conclusion that the accuracy can 
not be much better with “normal” imagery. Even under these 
conditions, we proved that by using the fore and aft channels with 
a simple, fast but strict sensor model needing only ca. 10 GCPs, 
an accuracy of 6 - 7 m in planimetry and height can be achieved. 
When using the nadir and one of the fore or aft channels, the 
planimetric accuracy should be higher, but the height accuracy 
should stay, due to the worse B/H ratio, at more or less the same 
Automatic DTM generation with a novel matching algorithm that 
makes use of geometric constraints and has no problem in 
matching of images with any scale or rotational differences was 
performed. Due to lack of extensive reference values no 
definitive conclusions on the DTM accuracy can be drawn. Based 
on the available qualitative and quantitative measures the RMS 
error of the DTM raw data is 0.5 - 1 pixel, with maximum error 
close to 30 m. These values will of course vary depending on the 
form and coverage of the terrain. A dense regular DTM grid will 
however be less accurate in areas with few or no measurements 
due to poor texture. To fill-in these gaps and to correct for the 
few, relatively smal,l remaining errors a postediting is required. 
Orthoimage generation poses no problem and can be fast. The 
only important requirement is a good quality DTM. The 
planimetric accuracy that was achieved was in the order of half a 
Future investigations will make use of the nadir channel for 
evaluation of the point positioning accuracy, and DTM and 
orthoimage generation. In cooperation with the University of 
Melbourne we will use the roving GPS data for DTM evaluation. 
Furthermore, new tests using the planned MOMS-Priroda images 
over areas with good reference DTMs will be performed. 
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance and 
cooperation of Prof. C. Fraser and his colleagues, University of 
Melbourne, who provided data and information on the Australian 
testfield, Dr. W. Kornus, DLR, who provided the images, 
approximate image coordinates of the GCPs, and information on 
the MOMS-02/D2 system parameters, and Dr. V. Kratky who 
made modifications to his computer program to make data 
processing easier and more accurate. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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