Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

(DBF) was supplied from the Registry Office of Besiktas. 
Other data were supplied from the PTT map, building 
regulation in the Istanbul, the implementation plan and 
footnotes, base map and the others (the part of them 
2.5. Application and Maintenance of UIS 
The menus of the application programs illustrated in 
Figure 2. In Figure 3. and Figure 4., the maps which are 
produced in the application was presented. 
In this paper, the study, which is the design of urban 
information system, that includes in public works and 
planning activities of district municipalities and the 
application of the pilot project, is presented. By means of 
the UIS for activities, which were created by this study, in 
the activities: 
* The accurately updated data can be acquired. 
* Time, cost and personnel can be saved. 
* Productivity, transparency, quality of the product and 
process can be increased. 
* Certain a standard and easing can be achieved. 
* A moral satisfaction for the user and for the citizen 
can be obtained. 
The system which is created in this study, as presented 
in Figure 2., will use many aims in the city management 
and planning, public works activities. 
Besides, the system can be used as node in the 
distributed UIS. The prepared design, application 
programs can be easily expanded for new requirements 
and converted to other platforms like workstation. 
Some proposals for Turkey and for developing countries 
were acquired in the result of this study. These proposals 
* Generating of the large scale geographical data base 
catalogue, the exchange standard. 
* Unique coding of the parcels and the people. 
* Following of the specific steps, which are presented 
in this paper, for developing GIS/UIS. 
* Using of photogrammetric methods to produce base 
map in the cities. 
* Establishing of the data bank. 
* Setting the Committee of National GIS. 
* Powering the education. 
*  Acquainting of managers, personnel. 
Rebuilding the public organizations like municipality. 
Antenucci, J.C., Brown, K., Croswell, L.P., Kevany, J.M., 
Archer, H., 1991. Geographic Information Systems, Van 
Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 
Batuk, F. G., 1995. Implementation of an Urban 
Information System for Public Works and a Pilot Project, 
Neu Technologien in der Geodäsie/Turkish-Osterreiche 
Tage, Oct 1995, |.T.U., istanbul. 
The Urban Information System 3 dag a new mep Thematical map Graphical data to non graphical data 
for public works Line map Non graphical data to graphical data 
Main menu Drawing the generated a map ; 
Drawing and quering of the : Non graphical data to non graphical data 
Draw and query —— | e Quering 
Geographical analysis and Drawing 
certificate generation The access to parcels from owner Measuring The proposed urban land use in the plan 
Data input The access to owners from parcels Zooming Determination of rights construction 
Data update (Coverages, Tables) Quering of plans, rights construction and Selection of parcels 
Delete Output generating certification, report Investigation of liabilities 
Exit The access to parcels which on his. building Ascertion of plan 
The access to liabilities from parcels Investigation of proposes plan, permission of building 
| The access to parcels from liability rights construction, changes on the parcel 
Owner historical building Quering of building, establishment permits, etc, Generation of certificate 
Liability Reference Planning Construction rights 
Building permit se The changes on the parcel 
Cont Program for the implementation plan Population 
rol ctr di 
F : Residence Building permit The Council and Committee decisions 
Receipt Selecting the table by user Tra ation ; 
à : nsport Settlement permit Program for the implementation plan 
Penalty Updating of building permit Control Detefmnetion et chil inpet 
i i Utility ermine areas which will inpe 
The Council and Committee decisions 
. Social structure Receipt Generation of activity report 
Figure 2. The Main Menu for Application Programs. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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