Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

- Combined environment -ArcCAD & AutoCAD: 
ArcCAD is the GIS engine for AutoCAD, that is why we 
can work in a full 3D CAD environment and when is 
required to use GIS commands the database is 
transferred to GIS structure and spatial analysis 
commands can be selected. 
The transfer to a GIS database structure consist of 
three phases; define a "theme" and a dataset, copying 
the relevant layer to that "theme", and finally cleaning 
the dataset/"theme", automatically the required GIS 
database files are created. 
In addition is always possible to shift and use the 
powerful CAD commands within the GIS. 
3.2 System modules 
Figure 2 illustrates the flow chart of activities and the 
developed modules of the proposed system. 
Manually input layer | 
Trees & vegetation 
House eaves & Bridges 
Relief displacement 
area map. 
Shadow areas 
Comparison to other sources 
GPS planning | 
Field completion planning Total station planning 
Building classification. 
Identifying electricity utilties | 
| Special requirements 
| | 
Field completion user-interface. 
Record telephone-network 
| a 3 
Insertion of drainge system 
T data editing 
| -] | Error computatior] 
An estimation of completion work] 
Quality estimation | 
Metadata production 
Figure 2 : System Flow-Chart 
3.2.1 Uncertainty map calculation module 
This module is the core of the system, includes spatial 
diagnostics of the initial database, created by 
photogrammetry, and presentation of the 
photogrammetrically obscured areas ( relief 
displacement, sun shadows, covered areas, etc. ). 
Furthermore, does a geographic comparison of the 
database produced by photogrammetry and other 
available geospatial sources to detect missing objects. 
This operation uses GIS overlay functions to indicate 
disagreements between the positionally accurate 
database (i.e., collected by photogrammetry) and the 
thematically accurate database (e.g., electricity 
network map). 
There are six components that together produce the 
map of uncertainty: 
- Manually inserted layer - This layer is produced by 
the photogrammetric workstation operator. The 
operator marked the areas he was unsure of details or 
were invisible due to irregular conditions such a cloud 
cover, atmospheric haze, smoke clouds, hot spots etc. 
- Trees and vegetation - Those layers are marked 
automatically as uncertain because features under 
these objects are invisible. However the user can give 
an area threshold in square meters and the software 
marks only those polygons that are bigger than the 
- House eaves and bridges - When there is a request 
to map foot prints of houses, the distance between foot 
prints and roof lines should be measured in the field. 
Moreover details near or under bridges may be of 
interest. In this module a layer with the appropriate 
information is produced. 
- Relief displacement - The program computes the 
relief displacement of each building. It takes each point 
in the polygon and shifts it according to its height. The 
shifting is done from each vertex in the direction 
opposite to the projection center. Connect all the 
shifted points to each other and to their original 
A layer of displacement (named "disl") is produced. 
The program advances to the ArcCAD environment, 
first defines "theme" and "coverage" from the 
appropriate layers (e.g., data-set "house" from layer 
"2200" and data-set "shade" from layer "disl"), then it 
cleans dataset/"theme" and the database can be 
managed from the GIS system. Next the program 
uses ArcCAD analysis function "erasecov" to erase 
features from a theme that overlap with features in 
another theme (see figure 3) 
The result is the final theme called "disl", which is 
"shade" minus "houses" and is displayed in red. 
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Er asecov 
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Figure 3 : The Erasecov operation 
d sl 
d spl acnent 
- Shaded areas - The programme examines the entire 
project area and presents the parts that are obscured 
and blanked out by the presence of shadows. Terrain 
features like buildings, cliffs and precipitous relief can 
cast shadows over pertinent details and it is for the 
field surveyor to measure these details. The user 
inputs the sun's angular altitude, then with a similar 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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